Sunday, September 3, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.16- Triggers

The gang tries to get ahead of Gerard only to find out that he is playing a much larger game than they thought...

So Gerard had a map with locations of nemetons from around the world and is planning on using them in order to wipe out all supernatural creatures, on the assumption that having a nemeton located nearby will mean that there are supernatural creatures in the area.  Not a bad plan, and the gang figured it out too late.  For Beacon Hills, Gerard has armed the entire town with the weapons from his "business" in order to destroy Scott and the gang.

It seems as though the attack on Scott's house has injured Melissa.  I am assuming it was Melissa whose hand we saw, but there was no way to know for sure.  Having the entire town armed and freaked out is so not a good thing for the pack.  The town knows who they are and students at school are forcibly testing other students to see who heals quickly and who does not.  Again, not a good thing.

Liam's plan was not a horrible one.  Luring the hunters into a trap in order to allow Scott, Lydia, Malia, and Chris to attack and destroy Gerard's armory was a great idea.  The first hitch (because there is always a hitch) was that no one believed Nolan when he said the entire pack was at the zoo because he only saw Liam and Theo.  I loved Theo's way of handling that situation.  Watching him and Liam fight and snark at each other was possibly the highlight of the entire show.  These two are really great together, if only because they hate each other so much, but they also need each other.  Theo was right when he told Liam that he needs to learn how to control his fear, because an out of control werewolf who kills is only going to prove Gerard's point.

A new use for Lydia's scream: knock down doors.  That was definitely interesting and it obviously tired her out.  But it worked and it saved Scott and Malia, so that is a good thing.

Speaking of Scott and Malia, they are definitely starting to get closer.  As in Malia full on kissed Scott.  I am interested to see where this goes.

Until next week!

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