Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.04- Elongated Journey Into Night

Barry and the gang meet a new meta, who is an old enemy of Barry's; Cisco meets Gypsy's dad, and a stray comment leads Barry to a realization...

I sort of liked Dibny.  Sort of.  Definitely not my favorite character, but I see potential in him.  as far as the blaming Barry for how things went for him goes, he is definitively in the wrong.  Sorry, but framing someone you think may be guilty is still the wrong thing to do.  Not only because framing someone is wrong period, but because if it hadn't been caught and the guy had been convicted, there would have been a ready-made appeal.  In addition, it would have called other arrests he made into question.  After all, he framed one person, why not more?

All that said, he could still be an interesting addition to the team.  I think Barry was right when he was questioning whether or not Dibny was good for the team.  I do get why Caitlin wants to think that he can become a better person because she is struggling with the same issue.  I do also think she is overidentifying, but that is ok.  I have to say that some of the stretching was seriously disturbing, particularly the sneezing and the bullet/punch absorbing.  Nifty, but disgusting.

Gypsy's dad was awesome.   Danny Trejo is a great actor and he gave the character such menace.  Finding out that his name was Josh was just perfect because it was so absurdly ordinary.  It was totally cool that he actually admired the fact that Cisco was willing to go toe-to-toe with him to defend Barry and Dibney.  I think that is the one thing that pushed him into actually accepting Cisco.  And Gypsy's reaction so seeing the two of them gone was great.  She knew what was going on wand was totally resigned to it.

Dibney stray comment at the end about how DeVoe set him on the path to investigate the mayor definitely sparked some interest in Barry.  After all, several people have mentioned the name to him as a future enemy, so now he has some idea of who might be pulling the strings behind everything else.  The problem is that, given how far ahead of the gang DeVoe already is, how will they be able to catch up?

Until next week!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.03- Next of Kin

Diggle has a rough start as the new Arrow, Felicity and Curtis look to start their start-up, Oliver looks for help of William, and a new threat emerges from the City Council.....

I'm honestly not sure how I feel about the whole "Diggle as the Green Arrow" thing.  I mean, I get why Oliver is doing it, but Diggle really does need to find a better way to deal with his tremors than just shooting something into his arm.  That is never a good sign.  The problem is that Dinah is right, if Oliver knew how badly Diggle had been injured on Lian Yu, he would never have handed the hood over to Diggle.  Now that would have caused a whole new set of problems, but I think Oliver could have dealt with it.

Given all of that, I do think it was a good thing that Wild Dog went to Oliver, because Diggle did need that talk with Oliver.  Thanks to Diggle's problems, he was hurt, Dinah was nearly killed, and several civilians were injured by the truck.  I am not entirely sure why Diggle is freezing up now, after all, he has led people into battle before.  I guess it might be some sort of PTSD, but that doesn't seem super likely.  That is the one point in all of this that is sticking in my craw a bit.  Diggle has never had this sort of major problem making decisions before, so why now?  I did love the way Canary used her scream to redirect Diggle as he was jumping in the beginning, that was pretty cool. 

As for the whole police thing, I have to say that they have been more or less useless the entire time that the show has been on the air.  I'm sorry, but it took the Hood to make the city safe again for people to live in and only then could the police even start to do anything.  So, forgive me if I don't shed too many tears if the police are feeling like they've been shoved to the side.  If they were halfway useful, then the Hood would never have been needed in the first place.

That being said, I do get where this bill is coming from.  While the Hood and the Arrow and the Green Arrow have all tried to keep collateral damage to a minimum, there have been some serious casualties among the civilian population over the years.  I'm not sure that putting the issue to a city-wide vote is the best solution, but it could make for some interesting drama, particularly since that method is Oliver's idea.

Watching Felicity help out William was just cool.  I honestly thought that is why Oliver was going to her in the first place.  Yes, he did need advice, but she is also one of the most mathematically and scientifically inclined people he knows, so going to her for help for William in math or science should be a no brainer.  Let's face it, Oliver is not terribly scholastic.  He's not dumb by any stretch of the imagination, but he is not scholastically inclined.  Felicity is.  So going to her for help is the most obvious route.  The added bonus is that sort of gets William used to her as a friend of Oliver's which will (hopefully) make the transition to girlfriend easier in his mind.

And Felicity and Curtis still haven't even come up with a concept for their startup, so trying to pick a name strikes me as the bass-ackwards way of doing everything.  Come up with what you want to do first and then create a name to fit it.

Until Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.03- Luck Be A Lady

The gang faces an unusual meta while all sorts of things go completely wrong and the everyone figures out where the new metas are coming from....

So, turns out that the new metas were made when Barry came back from the Speed Force.  Apparently the portal that opened sent out a wave of dark matter that transformed a bus full of people into the new metas.  And given that the Thinker seems to have manipulated the gang into freeing Barry as the bus was driving by, this cannot be a good thing.

I found this week's meta to be fairly interesting.  She wasn't out to hurt anyone, she just had always experienced bad luck, so she was delighted to finally experience some good luck on her own.  Watching some of the situations that she caused were rather amusing.  I think my favorites were when Barry slipped on the marbles chasing her and when he slipped on the coins in the casino and managed to cuff himself with the anti-meta cuffs at the same time.  I also loved that she meekly surrendered to the Flash so quickly and abjectly once her luck ran out.  That was definitely amusing.

Watching Iris do everything she could to marry Barry this week was also quite amusing.  She was so worried that, with all the bad stuff happening, she ans Barry were cursed.  I do have to say that losing two wedding venues in 24 hours is quite the accomplishment.  Between that and the attempt at a shotgun wedding in the church, I was definitely chuckling.

I was so not expecting Cecile to be pregnant.  That was a surprise.  I am curious about why they are making her pregnant.  I have to wonder if the actress is actually pregnant or if this is something else all together.  Given the way she slipped on the floor, I am assuming that she is not actually pregnant, but I could be wrong.  It is nice to see her and Joe keeping the house though.  The only thing that gets me is that the house never made noises before, so having it suddenly do so in order to service a plot is annoying and the sort of thing I would have hoped would not happen on a show like this.

Is it sad that I didn't miss that Wally was gone?  Not that I dislike him, but he just hasn't been important enough to anything for me to seriously register his absence.  I do wonder if he is going to another show or if he is simply cutting back on the number of episodes he is in like Willa has done on Arrow

Maybe getting rid of Wally will leave more time for Harry to be around, which would be quite cool because I love Harry and I miss having him around.  Yes, he is acerbic and he can be annoying, but he is also quite a great character and the show is missing something without a version of Harrison Wells around.

Until next week!

Flash and Arrow reviews this week

I was unable to watch The Flash last night and won't be able to watch Arrow tomorrow night, so the reviews will be up at different times.  I will get them up when I can, so please keep an eye on this page.  Thanks!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.02- Tribute

Oliver and the team deal with the photo showing that Oliver is the Green Arrow leading to a shocking result, Dinah confronts Diggle about his problem, Oliver continues to adjust to having William in his life, and Felicity has a proposal for Curtis...

Of the possible outcomes of the photo showing Oliver as the Green Arrow, the one we got was the one I would have thought the least likely: Oliver has turned the hood over to Diggle.  Don't get me wrong, the move does make a certain amount of sense given the FBI agent and everything, but I almost expected them to try and do something else.  The big problem is going to be the fact that Diggle is no where near 100% yet.  The problem is not PTSD, but a piece of shrapnel that has lodged itself in his shoulder, causing neurological damage.  I have to wonder if Diggle will be able to use a bow and arrow the way Oliver does.  If he can't, then having someone else in the suit won't be at all helpful.

I like that Dinah wasn't taking Diggle's denials of problems at face value.  She knew something was wrong and really didn't let up.  His explanation about why he hasn't said anything yet was extremely stupid.  "Soldier's get through it." (or something like that anyway)  Uh huh...whatever.  Honestly this is one of those cases where she so should have ratted him out to everyone.  His injury has already hurt Rene and almost got her killed.  It's not a private secret that doesn't affect anyone else, so it needs to be put before the team.  I suspect that, had he known about it, Oliver would have done something else other than ask Diggle to become the Green Arrow.

Having William around is definitely changing Oliver.  He really has someone else outside the team to worry about now, someone who is depending on him in a way he is not used to.  Granted, he had his mom and Thea (before she found out), but neither of them depended on him the way William does.  It was good to see Oliver apologize for being wrong and then try and do something to help William get through everything that is going on.  I was also highly amused by Oliver's advice on dealing with bullies.  Punching the biggest one hard on the nose would definitely be an unexpected maneuver, but it could easily backfire.

So who released the photo?  Oliver thought that it was Anatoly, who has been exiled by the Bratva for being week.  But Anatoly insisted that it was not him.  It could be a measure of revenge from Chase.  It could also be that hacker group from last season.  Lord knows they and Oliver do not get along.  Or it could be someone else entirely.  Right now, there is not enough information to be sure of anything.  All we know is that it was doctored somehow.

Felicity and Curtis working together on freelance coding projects should be fun.  The two of them have always worked well together, so that will be good.  I just can't wait to see what sort of projects they get.  I worry that they might get a project from the wrong sort of people sometime, which will necessitate a rescue or mission of some sort from the team.

Until next week!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.02- Mixed Signals

There were communications problems all over the place on tonight's episode.  Barry and Iris are still sorting things out after his return, Gypsy and Cisco have some cultural differences, and the Thinker unveils a little more of his plan...

I loved the opening with Barry making breakfast and dancing.  That was quite amusing and just plain fun to watch.  but, while, I understand his desire to help ease Iris' burden, he really should have consulted her before finalizing so many plans.  I do think he was honestly trying to be helpful and to make up for the time he was gone, but he didn't really go about it the right way.  Not only did he finish a bunch of the wedding plans, but he cancelled a training without talking with her and didn't listen when she told him to divert the out of control car to a ramp meant to slow out of control trucks.  All in all, not a great way to come back.

Their therapy sessions were amusing, if only because they really couldn't be totally honest with the therapist.  Since the issues they are having stem from his time in the Speed Force, that is not something that they can openly discuss with her.  And like I said at the end of last season, there were two other speedsters who could have gone into the Speed Force instead of Barry.  Granted, both had already been there and the whole problem was of Barry's making, but it was not as if he had no other options.  This is probably one of the few cases where I actually agree with Iris.  I do also understand why Barry didn't talk with her since I am sort of doubting that she would have agreed to it, but it was sort of a quick decision that did not leave a lot of time for talking.  Hopefully they can work this out.

Cisco and Gypsy were sort of cute together.  Even before Caitlin let Cisco in on the secret that Gypsy was so not ok with his continually putting their date on hold, I could tell that she was pretty pissed.  I loved Caitlin's reactions in the background when Gypsy was telling Cisco that it was all ok.  It looked almost like she was ready to smack her hands against her head and then smack his head to get him to understand.  I also loved that her Earth's "1-1-1 Day" was the inspiration for defeating the meta of the week.

Not exactly a memorable meta, but the powers were pretty nifty.  Being able to control electronics would be a neat power.  And what on earth possessed Cisco to think that Barry would need all that stuff?  I can only imagine that he was just excited to put a whole bunch of toys into the new suit or something.  A self-destruct command?  Really?  But the big question about the meta is how exactly he got his powers.  Is it somehow related to the way metas got their powers last season?  I was tempted to think that the Thinker somehow gave them powers, but since he seems to be looking for them in order to use them, I am thinking that that is a less than likely possibility.  But, I could be wrong.

Until next week!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.01- Fallout

Oliver and the team deal with the fallout from the events on Lian Yu and end up with a *VERY* rude surprise...

Unsurprisingly, the entire team made it off of Lian Yu alive.  Thea is in a coma, but everyone else is alive and (mostly) well.  The only casualty was Samantha (again, not a surprise).  That means that Oliver is suddenly thrust into being a dad to William since Samantha is dead, so that is another role which has been thrust on his shoulders.  A major complication is that William (not without some reasons) blames Oliver for what happened to his mother and is resistant to Oliver's attempts to be a dad.  Or he was until Oliver let him know that he wasn't going anywhere and would be there to protect him.  Never a good promise to make when you are in Oliver's line of work.

The Black Siren also made it off of Lian Yu alive and seems raring to get back at the gang.  She is particularly mad at Lance because he shot her in order to protect Dinah and then left her for dead.  She was rescued by someone and is in Star City now stirring up trouble.  She stole a prototype of one of Curtis' flying scanners and also managed to out Oliver as the Green Arrow.  Or I should say apparently managed, because we never found out whether or not it was her who sent that photo to the news.  That is not good.

It is nice to see that Dinah has continued to bond with the team.  She is also working on keeping Lance out of the bottle, which is an almost full-time job in itself.  Her interactions with Diggle were particularly cool.  I do want to know what is up with him.  His right shoulder seems to be hurt and that is affecting his shooting skills.  Either that is or he has a severe case of PTSD.  Not sure which yet.

Olicity seems to be going strong, again. Given the fact that the team is, in very unsubtle ways, giving them time and space to be together, they are giving it another go.  Only, they are keeping it from William.  Again, this is not a surprise.  William is adjusting to the fact that Oliver is his dad, so to throw a new girlfriend into the mix would not be a good way to go.  I am glad that they seem to be taking everything a little slowly, presumably to make sure that nothing screws it up this time.

I love Wild Dog's new suit.  He didn't have a whole lot to do tonight, but he does have those nifty new threads, so that is cool.  He is also getting another shot at getting his daughter back, so that will be a good thing.  Hopefully nothing happens to screw it up this time.

Watching Slade and Oliver interact with each other was pretty cool.  Like I said in the review of "Lian Yu", Slade has definitely calmed down a lot.  He is sane, able to talk with Oliver without trying to hurt/kill him, and he is on a mission to find his son.  He also dispensed the advice to Oliver to be careful because sometimes being a hero means that you can't be a good parent.  The nice thing is that William knows Oliver's secret identity, so that will help him understand why Oliver might be gone (I hope).

I just wonder how the gang is going to deal with Oliver being outed as the Green Arrow.  Will they be able to make it look like the photo was doctored?  Or will they be able to pull some other sort of cover-up?  I can't imagine that the show will let Oliver's identity become very public knowledge without some sort of cover-up, but I could be wrong.  If he is permanently outed, it would be the end of him as mayor and would immensely complicate everything.

My other question is about the identity of the person who saved the Black Siren.  Inquiring minds want to know.

Until next week!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.01- The Flash Reborn

Welcome back to the new season of The Flash!  With Iris putting everything to the side in order to focus on getting through, Cisco, Wally, and Joe deal with the metas in the city while Caitlin deals with her own issues.

A 66% success rate is not too much to brag about, so I am not sure why Wally seems so pleased with it.  Granted, he is new and Caitlin wasn't around, but Cisco has been around for a while, so you'd think they might do better than that.  I do think it would have been cool to show (or at least mention!) Nate working with them for that time, so I'm not sure why they didn't.

As for Cisco's plan, I have to back him on not telling everyone.  If he had announced that he was working on a way to get Barry out, he would have raised everyone's hopes, and they did need to concentrate on protecting the city.  That said, I can't understand why everyone seemed so surprised that he was working on it.  I would have expected nothing less from him.  I also get that Iris has been more or less coordinating the team, but her anger at Cisco for ignoring her instructions to not help Barry didn't really make a whole lot of sense.  I know that Barry wanted her to move on, but I think that he just didn't want her to dwell on the past and to keep living without dropping into despair.  As far as I can tell, Cisco never let trying to rescue Barry get in the way of the work they were doing, so it was a good thing.

I hope they explain why he was writing those weird symbols and babbling the way he was once he was free of the Speed Force.  Did being in the Speed Force prison drive him temporarily insane?  Or did it somehow temporarily overload his brain so he needed time to process it all?  Or was it something else entirely?  Given the fact that the season's villain is the Thinker, I suspect that what Barry was writing will ultimately be important.

And what is going on with Caitlin?  She obviously still has her powers and Killer Frost is lurking within her, but she has found some way to suppress them both.  Is she setting herself up for some sort of split personality?  And why is she working with a group of (apparent) criminals?  Lots and lots of questions on that front.

In terms of season openers for The Flash, this was not the best, but it was interesting.  Barry is definitely faster and seems a lot more at peace with everything than he has been in the past.  Hopefully he has learned from his past mistakes and will stop messing with time.  I am curious to see how he will deal with a non-speedster foe.  I am also curious about how he managed to break out of the cell he was in.  That cell has held other speedsters, so it has to be something about him when he returned that enabled him to escape.

I do love the new graphics when the title flashed up at the beginning of the show.  That was just nifty looking.

Until next week!