Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.04- Elongated Journey Into Night

Barry and the gang meet a new meta, who is an old enemy of Barry's; Cisco meets Gypsy's dad, and a stray comment leads Barry to a realization...

I sort of liked Dibny.  Sort of.  Definitely not my favorite character, but I see potential in him.  as far as the blaming Barry for how things went for him goes, he is definitively in the wrong.  Sorry, but framing someone you think may be guilty is still the wrong thing to do.  Not only because framing someone is wrong period, but because if it hadn't been caught and the guy had been convicted, there would have been a ready-made appeal.  In addition, it would have called other arrests he made into question.  After all, he framed one person, why not more?

All that said, he could still be an interesting addition to the team.  I think Barry was right when he was questioning whether or not Dibny was good for the team.  I do get why Caitlin wants to think that he can become a better person because she is struggling with the same issue.  I do also think she is overidentifying, but that is ok.  I have to say that some of the stretching was seriously disturbing, particularly the sneezing and the bullet/punch absorbing.  Nifty, but disgusting.

Gypsy's dad was awesome.   Danny Trejo is a great actor and he gave the character such menace.  Finding out that his name was Josh was just perfect because it was so absurdly ordinary.  It was totally cool that he actually admired the fact that Cisco was willing to go toe-to-toe with him to defend Barry and Dibney.  I think that is the one thing that pushed him into actually accepting Cisco.  And Gypsy's reaction so seeing the two of them gone was great.  She knew what was going on wand was totally resigned to it.

Dibney stray comment at the end about how DeVoe set him on the path to investigate the mayor definitely sparked some interest in Barry.  After all, several people have mentioned the name to him as a future enemy, so now he has some idea of who might be pulling the strings behind everything else.  The problem is that, given how far ahead of the gang DeVoe already is, how will they be able to catch up?

Until next week!

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