Thursday, October 12, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.01- Fallout

Oliver and the team deal with the fallout from the events on Lian Yu and end up with a *VERY* rude surprise...

Unsurprisingly, the entire team made it off of Lian Yu alive.  Thea is in a coma, but everyone else is alive and (mostly) well.  The only casualty was Samantha (again, not a surprise).  That means that Oliver is suddenly thrust into being a dad to William since Samantha is dead, so that is another role which has been thrust on his shoulders.  A major complication is that William (not without some reasons) blames Oliver for what happened to his mother and is resistant to Oliver's attempts to be a dad.  Or he was until Oliver let him know that he wasn't going anywhere and would be there to protect him.  Never a good promise to make when you are in Oliver's line of work.

The Black Siren also made it off of Lian Yu alive and seems raring to get back at the gang.  She is particularly mad at Lance because he shot her in order to protect Dinah and then left her for dead.  She was rescued by someone and is in Star City now stirring up trouble.  She stole a prototype of one of Curtis' flying scanners and also managed to out Oliver as the Green Arrow.  Or I should say apparently managed, because we never found out whether or not it was her who sent that photo to the news.  That is not good.

It is nice to see that Dinah has continued to bond with the team.  She is also working on keeping Lance out of the bottle, which is an almost full-time job in itself.  Her interactions with Diggle were particularly cool.  I do want to know what is up with him.  His right shoulder seems to be hurt and that is affecting his shooting skills.  Either that is or he has a severe case of PTSD.  Not sure which yet.

Olicity seems to be going strong, again. Given the fact that the team is, in very unsubtle ways, giving them time and space to be together, they are giving it another go.  Only, they are keeping it from William.  Again, this is not a surprise.  William is adjusting to the fact that Oliver is his dad, so to throw a new girlfriend into the mix would not be a good way to go.  I am glad that they seem to be taking everything a little slowly, presumably to make sure that nothing screws it up this time.

I love Wild Dog's new suit.  He didn't have a whole lot to do tonight, but he does have those nifty new threads, so that is cool.  He is also getting another shot at getting his daughter back, so that will be a good thing.  Hopefully nothing happens to screw it up this time.

Watching Slade and Oliver interact with each other was pretty cool.  Like I said in the review of "Lian Yu", Slade has definitely calmed down a lot.  He is sane, able to talk with Oliver without trying to hurt/kill him, and he is on a mission to find his son.  He also dispensed the advice to Oliver to be careful because sometimes being a hero means that you can't be a good parent.  The nice thing is that William knows Oliver's secret identity, so that will help him understand why Oliver might be gone (I hope).

I just wonder how the gang is going to deal with Oliver being outed as the Green Arrow.  Will they be able to make it look like the photo was doctored?  Or will they be able to pull some other sort of cover-up?  I can't imagine that the show will let Oliver's identity become very public knowledge without some sort of cover-up, but I could be wrong.  If he is permanently outed, it would be the end of him as mayor and would immensely complicate everything.

My other question is about the identity of the person who saved the Black Siren.  Inquiring minds want to know.

Until next week!

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