Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.02- Mixed Signals

There were communications problems all over the place on tonight's episode.  Barry and Iris are still sorting things out after his return, Gypsy and Cisco have some cultural differences, and the Thinker unveils a little more of his plan...

I loved the opening with Barry making breakfast and dancing.  That was quite amusing and just plain fun to watch.  but, while, I understand his desire to help ease Iris' burden, he really should have consulted her before finalizing so many plans.  I do think he was honestly trying to be helpful and to make up for the time he was gone, but he didn't really go about it the right way.  Not only did he finish a bunch of the wedding plans, but he cancelled a training without talking with her and didn't listen when she told him to divert the out of control car to a ramp meant to slow out of control trucks.  All in all, not a great way to come back.

Their therapy sessions were amusing, if only because they really couldn't be totally honest with the therapist.  Since the issues they are having stem from his time in the Speed Force, that is not something that they can openly discuss with her.  And like I said at the end of last season, there were two other speedsters who could have gone into the Speed Force instead of Barry.  Granted, both had already been there and the whole problem was of Barry's making, but it was not as if he had no other options.  This is probably one of the few cases where I actually agree with Iris.  I do also understand why Barry didn't talk with her since I am sort of doubting that she would have agreed to it, but it was sort of a quick decision that did not leave a lot of time for talking.  Hopefully they can work this out.

Cisco and Gypsy were sort of cute together.  Even before Caitlin let Cisco in on the secret that Gypsy was so not ok with his continually putting their date on hold, I could tell that she was pretty pissed.  I loved Caitlin's reactions in the background when Gypsy was telling Cisco that it was all ok.  It looked almost like she was ready to smack her hands against her head and then smack his head to get him to understand.  I also loved that her Earth's "1-1-1 Day" was the inspiration for defeating the meta of the week.

Not exactly a memorable meta, but the powers were pretty nifty.  Being able to control electronics would be a neat power.  And what on earth possessed Cisco to think that Barry would need all that stuff?  I can only imagine that he was just excited to put a whole bunch of toys into the new suit or something.  A self-destruct command?  Really?  But the big question about the meta is how exactly he got his powers.  Is it somehow related to the way metas got their powers last season?  I was tempted to think that the Thinker somehow gave them powers, but since he seems to be looking for them in order to use them, I am thinking that that is a less than likely possibility.  But, I could be wrong.

Until next week!

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