Thursday, October 19, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.02- Tribute

Oliver and the team deal with the photo showing that Oliver is the Green Arrow leading to a shocking result, Dinah confronts Diggle about his problem, Oliver continues to adjust to having William in his life, and Felicity has a proposal for Curtis...

Of the possible outcomes of the photo showing Oliver as the Green Arrow, the one we got was the one I would have thought the least likely: Oliver has turned the hood over to Diggle.  Don't get me wrong, the move does make a certain amount of sense given the FBI agent and everything, but I almost expected them to try and do something else.  The big problem is going to be the fact that Diggle is no where near 100% yet.  The problem is not PTSD, but a piece of shrapnel that has lodged itself in his shoulder, causing neurological damage.  I have to wonder if Diggle will be able to use a bow and arrow the way Oliver does.  If he can't, then having someone else in the suit won't be at all helpful.

I like that Dinah wasn't taking Diggle's denials of problems at face value.  She knew something was wrong and really didn't let up.  His explanation about why he hasn't said anything yet was extremely stupid.  "Soldier's get through it." (or something like that anyway)  Uh huh...whatever.  Honestly this is one of those cases where she so should have ratted him out to everyone.  His injury has already hurt Rene and almost got her killed.  It's not a private secret that doesn't affect anyone else, so it needs to be put before the team.  I suspect that, had he known about it, Oliver would have done something else other than ask Diggle to become the Green Arrow.

Having William around is definitely changing Oliver.  He really has someone else outside the team to worry about now, someone who is depending on him in a way he is not used to.  Granted, he had his mom and Thea (before she found out), but neither of them depended on him the way William does.  It was good to see Oliver apologize for being wrong and then try and do something to help William get through everything that is going on.  I was also highly amused by Oliver's advice on dealing with bullies.  Punching the biggest one hard on the nose would definitely be an unexpected maneuver, but it could easily backfire.

So who released the photo?  Oliver thought that it was Anatoly, who has been exiled by the Bratva for being week.  But Anatoly insisted that it was not him.  It could be a measure of revenge from Chase.  It could also be that hacker group from last season.  Lord knows they and Oliver do not get along.  Or it could be someone else entirely.  Right now, there is not enough information to be sure of anything.  All we know is that it was doctored somehow.

Felicity and Curtis working together on freelance coding projects should be fun.  The two of them have always worked well together, so that will be good.  I just can't wait to see what sort of projects they get.  I worry that they might get a project from the wrong sort of people sometime, which will necessitate a rescue or mission of some sort from the team.

Until next week!

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