Wednesday, October 25, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.03- Luck Be A Lady

The gang faces an unusual meta while all sorts of things go completely wrong and the everyone figures out where the new metas are coming from....

So, turns out that the new metas were made when Barry came back from the Speed Force.  Apparently the portal that opened sent out a wave of dark matter that transformed a bus full of people into the new metas.  And given that the Thinker seems to have manipulated the gang into freeing Barry as the bus was driving by, this cannot be a good thing.

I found this week's meta to be fairly interesting.  She wasn't out to hurt anyone, she just had always experienced bad luck, so she was delighted to finally experience some good luck on her own.  Watching some of the situations that she caused were rather amusing.  I think my favorites were when Barry slipped on the marbles chasing her and when he slipped on the coins in the casino and managed to cuff himself with the anti-meta cuffs at the same time.  I also loved that she meekly surrendered to the Flash so quickly and abjectly once her luck ran out.  That was definitely amusing.

Watching Iris do everything she could to marry Barry this week was also quite amusing.  She was so worried that, with all the bad stuff happening, she ans Barry were cursed.  I do have to say that losing two wedding venues in 24 hours is quite the accomplishment.  Between that and the attempt at a shotgun wedding in the church, I was definitely chuckling.

I was so not expecting Cecile to be pregnant.  That was a surprise.  I am curious about why they are making her pregnant.  I have to wonder if the actress is actually pregnant or if this is something else all together.  Given the way she slipped on the floor, I am assuming that she is not actually pregnant, but I could be wrong.  It is nice to see her and Joe keeping the house though.  The only thing that gets me is that the house never made noises before, so having it suddenly do so in order to service a plot is annoying and the sort of thing I would have hoped would not happen on a show like this.

Is it sad that I didn't miss that Wally was gone?  Not that I dislike him, but he just hasn't been important enough to anything for me to seriously register his absence.  I do wonder if he is going to another show or if he is simply cutting back on the number of episodes he is in like Willa has done on Arrow

Maybe getting rid of Wally will leave more time for Harry to be around, which would be quite cool because I love Harry and I miss having him around.  Yes, he is acerbic and he can be annoying, but he is also quite a great character and the show is missing something without a version of Harrison Wells around.

Until next week!

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