Thursday, March 16, 2017

My Review of Arrow 5.16- Checkmate

Oliver finds out the identity of Prometheus which sends shockwaves through the team and Felicity continues to work with the hackers...

Oliver's day officially sucked.  First, he finds out that Talia is Ra's al Ghul's daughter and that she trained Adrian (aka Prometheus) because Oliver killed her dad.  So now he has another major enemy out to get him.  And both are determined to make him suffer, not to kill him.  While I think that Oliver could defeat Adrian on his own, trying to defeat both Adrian and Talia might prove to be awfully difficult.  If he had Nyssa with him, it would greatly increase his odds of winning.  It is possible that the rest of the group could take on Talia while Oliver fights Prometheus, but I don't know if they could take her.  Malcolm won't help out and Sara is off with the Legends, so Nyssa is the only person not working with the group right now who would be able to take on Talia or Prometheus.

I can't say that I was shocked that Adrian stabbed his wife or that Oliver had Diggle bring her to the confrontation.  When Oliver said that Adrian had a weakness, his wife was the only logical option.  And Adrian is determined enough to kill his wife to make sure that he can take Oliver down.  While it did throw him off, I am not sure that it was a good idea for Oliver to bring her along.  Yes, she was Adrian's one weakness, but there was a seriously high probability that she would be killed, so bringing her along was not good.

Felicity really needs to be careful where Helix is concerned.  I get that they have lots of information and can really help her out, but she is doing some seriously shady stuff for them.  Without having the whole picture about why they wanted her to do what she did to the drone, it is hard to say much else.  Just be careful and make sure that she protects herself.  I have a feeling that this group could turn on her really, really quickly if she doesn't do what they want.  Not good, not good at all.

The rest of the team is obviously in shock from the news about Prometheus.  The problem is that there is not really anything they can do to stop him, particularly since there is nothing publicly linking Adrian and Prometheus.  With the captain now in a coma after Adrian attacked him, there is not a whole lot anyone can do.  And now Adrian and Talia have Oliver, with Adrian saying that he is going to help Oliver get to know himself.  So very, very bad.

Watching Oliver's first go as the Hood in Russia was sort of interesting.  You can see the moves he used in the first season are all there.  He kills people without compunction and has a singular focus.  My big question is how Oliver gets from Russia back to Lian Yu.  Does he have a falling otu with Anatoly or does he go back willingly?

Until next week!

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