Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My Review of The Flash 3.18- Abra Kadabra

Barry and the gang confront a villain from the future and Barry learns the wrong lessons while Julian makes a decision after something happens to Caitlin...

Time travel?  Again?  Barry, this cannot be a good idea.  Yes, you may have opponents from the future, but haven't we figured out that time travel is just a bad idea?  After all, what if he had made the decision before to time travel?  Then Savitar would be expecting him to do so and would be prepared to stop him.  Sorry, but this has horrible idea and potential disaster written all over it.  I'm just thinking that maybe Barry should try something else first.  After all, messing with time is what got us in the current predicament in the first place.  Traveling to fix it?  Oy!

As for Abra Kadabra, if Gypsy hadn't interfered with what Joe was doing, it is entirely possible that we would know who Savitar is.  And, to be honest, I think what Barry et al should have done was tell Abra that they would free him if he told them who Savitar is and then free him into Gypsy's hands.  Nice?  No, but it would have helped them stop Savitar and prevent Abra from going around killing people again.  I know it is not nice or heroic, but in a case like this, it may have been their best option.

Abra Kadabra was a pretty cool villain.  Not my favorite, but still fun to watch.  I think my favorite scene was watching Barry and Wally chasing him while Gypsy and Cisco went to different places.  Barr's move of phasing through the ship and knocking Abra out that way was particularly cool.

So Caitlin is apparently gone and Killer Frost seems to have reentered the building after Julian removed the necklace that held Frost at bay.  While I am totally sympathetic to his reasons for doing so, he did ignore her explicit instructions to not remove the necklace because she would rather die than become Frost again.  I do not think she is going to be happy with him now.

Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed that my reviews for The Flash have become shorter.  That is because the show is definitely losing some of what made it so much fun to write about in the past.  The review for last week's musical episode more or less wrote itself, but I have been having trouble writing these otherwise because the show seems to just not be as good as it once was.  I will definitely finish reviewing this season, but unless the show takes a dramatic turn for the better, this may be my last season reviewing this show.

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