Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 4.18- Dirty Laundry

Things start to come out as Lena get stressed by everyone's requests, Callie goes on a road trip with Aaron, and Jude makes a surprising decision after more bullying....

Poor Lena.  She had so many people come to her tonight to get help or advice and she is having her own troubles on top of everything else.  I did giggle through that entire awkward conversation with Jesus and Emma about them having sex, what positions they used, and how they should have it for the foreseeable future.  She was so embarrassed to be having that conversation with them.  The funniest part is that they didn't seem embarrassed at all.  That's good that they can talk with her openly about sex, but watching her be so uncomfortable was definitely amusing.  It was also really nice to see her and Stef using some of those techniques they learned in therapy to work through everything.  I think I was most impressed that Stef was the one who initiated that particular conversation.

Speaking of Stef, she now knows about The Letter.  I really, really hope that she talks with Brandon first since she found it in his pants.  If she talks with Jesus, who has no clue what it says, and it slips out that Brandon knew about the letter, things will get ugly.  To be fair to Emma, she did try, several times, to tell Jesus that she had been pregnant, but he never really let her say anything.  And it really isn't Brandon's place to talk about The Letter, so there's that.  But it will still get ugly.

As for Jesus, it is good that he can read again.  I am just worried since he has decided to not take the pills since they seem to be affecting his sex drive.  I get that he has a beautiful girl and wants to have sex with her, but taking those pills is so much more important than getting laid.

Then there is Jude.  I wish I could say that I was really surprised that he decided to bully the bully, but I am not.  He's changed a lot from the sweet kid we were introduced to in the first couple of episodes.  In this case, I can't exactly blame him for wanting to get revenge.  That student has been being a complete ass and wanting to get revenge is a very human thing.  Posting a bad grade all around school was definitely going too far, but it did put him and Noah in the position to hear Drew and some other guy talk about turning Anchor Beach into a private school.  If only there is some way they can tell Lena about this without revealing how they found out.

I am so proud of Callie.  Standing up to Aaron's parents after the way they were treating him was absolutely the right thing to do.  I get why he was upset, but he was being emotionally abused and completely (and purposefully) misgendered, which is also a form of abuse.  I appreciate that he wanted to visit his dad on his birthday, but I do think he needs to either stand up for himself or stop going home if he is going to be treated that way he was tonight.  Hearing them call him "Allison" and "her" and their "daughter" was just completely wrong.  He is their son and if they cannot accept that, he needs to cut ties.  I know, that is easier said than done, but it needs to happen, if only for his own mental and emotional health.  I am not entirely sure what to make of their romance.  She just broke up with AJ, so I am not sure that immediately getting into a relationship with Aaron is such a great idea.

I sort of want to slap Mike upside the head for not helping Gabe out.  I know he wants to move forward with Anna, but helping out Gabe would have really helped both Mariana and Jesus, so I wish he would have done so.  I was very proud of Anna for trying and wish she would have figured out some other way to help Gabe out;.  Hopefully, he will be able to stay in the garage for now so that he can help them complete the treehouse.

Until next week!

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