Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Review of The Flash 3.17- Duet

An aptly titled and very, very fun episode where our protagonists sing their way through their thoughts and recent actions....

This was an excellent and totally fun episode to watch.  Everyone was at the top of their game and they had great singers on these casts.  I had heard Jesse, Victor, John, Grant, Melissa, and Darren sing before, and I knew that Jeremy was good because he has a musical theater background, but I didn't realize how good Carlos was.  The episode was fun, cheesy (in the best possible way), and a total blast.  You could tell that everyone was having a grand old time, which made it that much better,

I think my favorite song was the "Superfriends" duet with Grant and Melissa.  The two of them play off of each other magnificently and the lyrics were totally spot on.  Melissa's rendition of "Moon River was gorgeous as was the original solo Grant had at the end.  Listening to Victor, Jesse, and John sing "More I Cannot Wish for You" together was tremendous as was the quartet of  Darren, Jeremy, Carlos, and John singing "Put a Little Love in Your Heart".

As terribly cheesy as it was to have the Music Meister basically be a twisted fairy godmother type character for Kara and Barry, it fit in perfectly with the episode.  Barry and Kara both needed some perspective about their love lives and that is what the Music Meister gave them.  Like I said, it was twisted, but also perfect.  Seeing how they needed the fathers to look at why their kids were doing what they were doing allowed both Barry and Kara to get some much needed insight about how they have been screwing things up.  Kara's anger towards Mon-El about his lies is totally understandable, but she never really thought about why he lied.  And Barry needed to see that while his actions may have been a bit misguided, he needs to do what he can to keep the love around in his life.

Another total highlight was when Barry was imitating Superman during his duet with Kara.  That was really funny and was something that Kara needed to hear.  She is often being compared to Superman, so having someone appreciate her for being her (and saying so outright) was really good for her to hear.

As far as overall storylines movement goes, there was not a lot that happened tonight.  It was mainly a chance for the gangs to stop and reflect on what has happened and where they need to go from here.  Barry and Iris are engaged again and this time it seems that it will stick.  Wally had the chance to work out a little of his fear about what happened to him in the Speed Force.  That is an area where HR really sowed his value to the team.  He may not be the scientific genius that either of the other Wells' were, but he is really good at figuring out how to mentor and help people be what they can be, and that is what Wally needs.  I also loved Cisco's reaction to seeing J'onn's Martian form.  And the triple team of Cisco, Kid Flash, and the Martian Manhunter on the Music Meister was also really cool to see.

My sole annoyance is that this was announced months ago as a musical crossover with the implication being that both episodes would be musicals.  So when there was no crossover or anything last night, I was a little annoyed.  I think that is a problem that they need to work on.  It seems that when crosssovers happen with Supergirl, the Supergirl episode is only ever peripherally involved in the crossover itself.  I guess it probably has to do with Supergirl being on a different earth, but if they could integrate the show better into crossovers, that would be awesome.  That being said, this was an awesome episode, so this complaint is not that major.

Until next week!

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