Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 4.16- The Long Haul

Callie continues to dig herself in deeper, Stef's mom has a surprise for Stef, Jude is teased because of the LGBTQIA sex-ed class, Emma write a letter to Jesus, and there's a wedding....

Let's start with the sex-ed course.  While one part of me sympathizes with the need to have parents sign off on their kids learning about sex-ed, most of me thinks that it is just a horrible idea.  The whole idea of needing permission to learn about sex is rooted in the false ideas that sex is nothing that should not be talked about and that teaching someone about sex is tantamount to encouraging them to have sex.  Americans are far to puritanical about sex.  While I am not saying that we should all be having sex in the streets, sex is a natural and wonderful thing, not something to be ashamed of.  Far too often, the people who need to learn about sex the most are the people who don't learn about it at all.  Because of the fact that we have so intertwined sex and religion, we have made something which should be commonsense into a part of a larger cultural war.

I get that people have religious feelings about sex, but there are times where the religious views of the parents need to be overridden, and this is one of them.  Not teaching a kid about sex merely makes them more curious about it and causes them to be ashamed of it.  Trust me, I grew up that way.  I was made to feel that sex (and my attraction to men) was something to be ashamed of.  I never had sex-ed, so I had to learn everything on my own, which is not ideal at all.  And Lena is right, what do you do when there are kids who need to learn about sex, but can't because their parents make them feel afraid or uncomfortable?  In a situation where the child's mental, emotional, or physical health is in danger, any parental rights are null and void.  The life of the child must take precedence.  Unfortunately, given the society we live in, Lena is going to get in trouble for teaching kids without parental consent.  Whether or not what she did was technically legal, it was absolutely the right thing to do.

You do have to feel sorry for Jude who was on the receiving end of some almost bullying.  Given the direction he's been going, I wonder how much longer until he snaps.  He's a good kid, but even the best can only take so much before snapping.  And if kids continue to go after him, I am betting he'll snap soon, particularly given everything that is going on with Callie.

And speaking of Callie, she really needs to back off.  I totally get where she is coming from, but she is coming seriously close to stalking Troy now.  Between going to his place of work and then having Mariana Facebook-friend his girlfriend/alibi, this is not going well.  I can't blame AJ for being upset with her.  What she really needs to do is take any concerns she has to Stef and then completely back away, otherwise Troy can probably use these things against her in court.  And given their comparative records, I have little doubt that she would end up the loser in that situation.

I was glad that Emma wrote that letter to tell Jesus what happened to her.  Unfortunately, he can't read right now, so he had his grandma read it instead.  Was keeping the fact that Emma was pregnant and had an abortion from Jesus a good thing?  Given the fact that she didn't know he is unable to read now, the decision made sense since, presumably, he would read the letter, particularly after she urged him to do so.  Now that both Emma and Brandon know he can't read, someone absolutely has to tell him.  This is so going to suck for everyone involved.  And if Stef and Lena find out?  Who knows what will happen then.  I know they won't get too upset at Emma, but would they feel compelled to tell her parents?  Or would Lena decide that she doesn't have to because Emma was afraid to tell them on her own?  I guess that will depend on the fallout from the lack of parental permission forms for the sex-ed class.

I loved the remarriage of Stef and Lena.  Their vows were simple and beautiful.  That was one of the best TV weddings that I've ever seen.

Until next week!

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