Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 4.17- Diamond in the Rough

Mariana decides to help Jesus out, Callie tries to make things better with AJ, Stef handles her first case as a detective in Human Trafficking, and there is fallout from the LGBTQIA sex-ed class...

So Monte is now out of a job.  While I wish I could feel worse for her, she has been so all over the place that I am having a hard time finding a lot of sympathy.  That being said, I wouldn't wish what happened to her on anyone.  As I said last week, the LGBTQIA sex-ed class was totally needed and I think that permission slips shouldn't have ever been required since it wasn't a school activity.  Drew using this as a method to push Monte out the door so he could take over as principal speaks to a total lack of principles on his part.  If Monte had not required the permission slips, this all could have been avoided since the event was outside of school hours and not on school property.  I just worry what this means for Lena and for the school.  Drew does not seem like a very good or decent guy, so I am very worried now.

While I love that Mariana wants to make Jesus feel better, I'm not sure lying to him about the project was the best option.  At least, I assume she is lying because the last thing we heard was the Drew had turned the idea down.  I guess she could have taken the project on as her own, but without further proof, I don't think she did.  My issue with the lying is that Jesus will have a bad reaction when it comes out that she lied.  I personally have no problems with the occasional well-intentioned white lie, they can be problematic when the fact comes out that there was a lie.  While Jesus can get better (at least partially, not sure about fully), he may need to end up staying back a year.  As hard as being kept back a year will be for him, I think taking classes that are beyond what he can handle will be even more discouraging for him.

I cannot say I am fond of AJ right now.  While I get that Callie can be a lot to handle, AJ knew how she can be before he started dating her.  When she is convinced that she is right or that there is an injustice, Callie will stop at nothing to make sure things work out.  It does lead her to do stupid things occasionally, but it is not like AJ didn't know that already.  So by cheating on her with another girl and then basically blaming her because it's "too hard" to be with her, AJ is just being a jackass.  I'm not saying that he doesn't love her, but I can't say he does either.  All I can say is that he thinks he does, but his actions sure don't seem to reflect it.

Stef did a good thing, putting Diamond in GU, but I was a little surprised that people weren't being more careful around her.  I know she asked for help, but she was clearly reluctant to turn on her pimp and everyone in that group has been around (or have been!) girls who excel at the sneakiness, so you'd think they would see the signs.  I also know that GU has the whole, "We trust you until you give us a reason not to" thing going, so that might be part of it.  I love that Daphnae is working for GU now.  It was really, really cool to see her story come full circle that way.  I don't ever remember hearing if she got her daughter back, so I wonder if she did.  Because she has seriously pulled her life together now and she has shown that she really wants to be a mother, so I hope she got a shot at it.

Until next week!

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