Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 5.01- 4 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days and 5.02- Racing Like A Pro

This is the first of many reviews from One Tree Hill and Kyle XY that I wrote when the shows were first on.  Won't be doing any more intros like this since they are self-explanatory until I get to the last one.  :-)



Wow, absolutely loved this season opener. It gave us good info on what happened in the past four years while leaving some questions.

And now it's time for one of my world famous One Tree Hill reviews. Not that I'm full of myself or anything. :-)

And here we go.....

Let's start with Lucas. Author dating his editor. Only surprising in that at the end of last season, I expected him to either be with Peyton or pining for her. In everything else, I was totally unsurprised by him. Great uncle, basketball coach, protective of Haley, inspired by Peyton, and helping her out. It was totally cool, but also unsurprising. I love how he handled that basketball tryout. He immediately established his bona fides and then proceeded to shake things up. And wow, that basketball player was so Dan-like, I was shocked. Granted, he didn't have Paul's polish, but that is to be expected. In addition to writing, Lucas apparently either runs or owns Tric. That was cool. I was sorry to see the Cafe closed, but we'll still see it since Brooke is moving in there.

Haley, honey, I feel for you. I remember that my first day of school was awful too. Granted, none of my students sexually harassed me; and that is exactly what that guy did; but still. I love how she handled it in the end. Let them walk if they want, but be sure they know the consequences. And does she have it tough with Nathan. I get his bitterness, but seriously, to say he has nothing is just self-pity talking. While he did lose his dreams and does have to work to walk again, he has Haley and Jamie. It is nice to see him start to work through things. It is going to take him a while, but he'll do it.

Peyton. Realized that not everyone has your idealistic view of music. So what does she do? With some large pushes from Lucas and Brooke, she opens her own label; inside/beside of Tric if I am not mistaken. That was totally cool. She and Lucas depend on each other so much for their art. They simply cannot work apart from each other.

Brooke. Beauty, fame, fortune, your own clothing line, and a multimillion dollar company are all yours. Are you happy? Not so much, because you miss your friends. I get that. But, she'll drop everything to help a friend out. And buying Karen's Cafe, while seriously cheesy, was really cool. I want to see what she'll do with the place. House, store, or both?

Poor Mouth. It sucks to have such a bitch for a boss who has none of Rachel's style. Wow. But, it's a first step. Here's to many more.

Skillz coaching with Lucas. The River Court really has taken over the high school court now. :-)

I love the actor who played Jamie. He is so cute and fits in really well. I can't wait to see more of him.

I definitely missed Deb, Whitey, and Karen. I assume that Whitey is still coaching that college. Karen and Lily are traveling the world. But, where's Deb? I really wish they had at least mentioned her.

Favorite moments:

The very beginning. It's been a long time and I missed new episodes.

The first few minutes. Good establishing what is going on with everyone.

Mouth taping the audition. Couldn't finish it until everyone was asleep.

Brooke straddling Lindsey and Lucas walking in. "I haven't had this happen to me since college."

Haley facing down the Dan-wannabe. Then his realizing that he wasn't on the team. Then Lucas warning him about acting up in English followed by the correction. Gods, that was fun.

I so missed doing this. Until next week!

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