Monday, July 25, 2011

My Review of Teen Wolf 1.09- Wolfs Bane

Jackson harasses Scott, Stiles annoys Derek, Allison and Scott grow further apart, and the Alpha is revealed......

And it is not anyone I was expecting.....

I have to start with the Alpha.  Derek's uncle!  You know, the badly burned one who has been in the nursing home for years.  I briefly thought of him with the revelation that the text to Allison to come to the school was shown to be from a computer that Scott's mom used, but I discounted the idea very quickly.  This is just getting more and more interesting.  I do wonder if Derek will actually be able to kill him or not.  Guessing not, particularly since he swatted Derek around like a doll during their encounter.

Poor Scott's life is going from bad to worse.  Between Allison dumping him and not wanting to talk with him and Jackson figuring out his secret and threatening to tell Allison in three days unless Scott manages to help him turn, this is very bad.  I understand the point of sending the photos to Allison, but the fact that it massively backfired is so not good.  Then sneaking into her house to steal the necklace?  Oh boy.  Getting caught by Mr. Argent was strike 3.  Fortunately he seems to have more lives than a cat.  And it looks like he is going to need all that luck to survive the next few weeks.

Jackson?  Pissing off a werewolf, probably not the best idea.  Granted, he couldn't do anything to you in the school cafeteria, but he is still dangerous under the right circumstances and boy are you setting up those circumstances something good.  And why on earth would anyone *WANT* to be a werewolf?  Granted, Jackson has only seen the upside of enhanced physical abilities, but still.  And dumping your girlfriend via text?  That is just beyond low.

I have to admit that I cracked up when Stiles used a shirtless Derek to get Danny to trace that phone signal.  That was just one of the funniest things I have seen.  I must admit that a shirtless Tyler would get me to do a lot of things as well, but let's keep this PG.  :-)  And Derek's revenge of bouncing Stiles' face off of the steering wheel was great.  As it turns out, that particular event was only done in one take (according to a tweet from  Dylan O'Brien) so I am really glad they kept it in.  Derek and Stiles make a great and funny pairing.  And poor Stiles ended up being caught between two werewolves.  So not a good thing for him.

Allison keeps creeping closer and closer to the truth.  Unfortunately, she is also creeping closer and closer to Jackson, which is really bad.

And the chemistry teacher?  Well, apparently he told Psycho Aunt how to set a fire without making it look like arson.  Uh oh.....

Next week, Scott's life just keeps getting worse and worse....

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