Thursday, November 16, 2017

No More Reviews...for now

For the past several weeks, I have found that writing reviews has become more of a chore than something I enjoy.  Between that and other demands on my time, I have decided to stop writing reviews of any shows for now.  I may decide to start again later, but that will depend.  Until then, enjoy the shows and I hope to see you again.

Friday, November 10, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.05- Deathstroke Returns

Oliver helps Slade go after his son, the team protects an anti-vigilante councilwoman, and we find out the identity of the Vigilante....

So Vigilante is Dinah's former partner.  Apparently, when the dark matter wave hit them, he was transformed and gained the ability to heal himself.  I can only assume that is part of the reason that he is so keen to take people out.  After all, he was transformed into a meta thanks to what was done to him.  The gang knows who he is, but what they don't know is that Dinah let him go after he dropped in to kill the councilwoman.

Watching Slade go after the Jackals was quite neat.  It was sort of fun to see Deathstroke go after people who aren't in Oliver's circle.  I had forgotten how incredibly deadly he can be when his ire is raised.  He ripped through people there like it was nothing. The fact that the leader of the Jackals is his son was a teeny bit of a shock.  I sort of expected it, but it was still a little surprising.  I have to wonder if his son saw him kill that man and if that is part of the reason that he is doing what he is doing.  How much does he know of his dad's past?  Does he know what Slade did in Star City? 

This FBI agent sure is determined to do everything she can to prove that Oliver and those around him are the Green Arrow and the vigilantes working with him.  She is so determined to find out who they are that she refuses to accept any sort of coincidences.  I get that she is right, but she doesn't really have any proof, so I am wondering if there is some personal reason for what she is doing.  Hope we figure it out before something else happens.

Next week, Slade's son asks him to kill Oliver.  Until then!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.05- Girls Night Out

While everyone celebrates the engagement of Iris and Barry, secrets start spilling...

Before I get to the serious stuff, can I just say how much I love Grant's comedic work?  He was so funny as drunk Barry in this episode.  I was wondering how they were going to get him drunk, given that they established early on that his body burned off the alcohol very quickly, so having Cisco create that formula to help him get drunk was perfect.  Between his repeated announcements that he was the Flash and his weepy musings about why Rose didn't let Jack on the door, Barry's night was quite funny.

But tonight was mostly about the girls and the discovery that Caitlin can still become Killer Frost.  The reveal in the restaurant was pretty cool and I loved Barry's and Cisco's reactions to seeing Killer Frost when they got back to STAR Labs.  I can't say that I blame Caitlin for being skittish about Killer Frost still being around.  After everything Killer Frost has done to the gang, it is not hard to imagine them not being happy that she is back.  And, Iris, you've never been particularly buddy buddy with Caitlin, so don't even go there.

As for Amunet, having Katee Sackoff play her was just awesome.  Veering from somewhat jovial to downright nasty and sinister, this was a great villain.  I so hope she is not a one-shot villain, because she was just too awesome to not have back.  I found her power very interesting.  Being able to control metal fragments that way was pretty cool.  I do wish that we had a better idea whether it was just metal fragments or if it was any size piece of metal.  I am assuming metal fragments because that is all they showed her controlling, but you never know.

It was nice to see Joe and Cecile have the talk about how nervous they were about the child.  If they weren't nervous, I would suspect that something is wrong.  Having a baby is never easy and having one this many years after you other child has to be that much harder.

I thought that Joe handled his discovery about what Cecile's daughter was doing perfectly.  He didn't yell, scream, or anything.  He listened, expressed his concerns, and said what he thought she should do.  That was just awesome.

Hopefully we'll soon learn why DeVoe arranged for the new metas to be made.  I have to wonder if he knew what powers they would have or not.  And if he did, how would he know?

Until next week!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.04- Reversal

The Black Siren returns with someone we had previously heard of but not seen, the secret of who rescued the Black Siren from Lian Yu is revealed, and Felicity is given a suggestion on what her and Curtis' start-up should do...

First off, can I just say that it was incredibly cute that Oliver and Felicity traded places so that he was the one in her ear encouraging her to keep going?  Totally adorable!  I also thought it was amusing when Oliver instinctively took over the team for a second when they got back to lair.  I think the team did too, given the looks on their faces.  This time off seems to be doing him a world of good, although I hope it doesn't last too terribly long.

Having Michael Emerson play Cayden James is totally cool.  He is good at playing that sort of character and he can radiate menace, albeit not so much a physical menace as a more psychological form.  And his character is seriously playing a long game, manipulating people into doing exactly what he wants in order to accomplish his goals.  Forcing Felicity to take down the firewalls so that he could insert the malicious code he wrote was a really smart idea.  Anyone want to bet she'll be arrested around mid-season finale time?

I do wonder how he knew that the Black Siren was on Lian Yu.  I guess he could have been tracking everything going on, seeing how Helix had been helping Oliver and the gang.  So maybe he knew what he wanted to do and rescued her so that he could have her to help him out when he needed it. 

I loved the Olicity scenes.  Having her get the calls which were interrupting their dates was really funny and another way to have the tables turned on him.  I did sort of want to smack him for following her and messing up what she was looking for.  I get why he did it, but it was not exactly the smartest move in the world.

I hope the start-up works and they can help lots of people with the spinal tech or other similar tech, because that would be totally cool.  I'm not so sure that naming the company Helix is a great idea, but it does make a certain amount of sense.

Until next week!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.04- Elongated Journey Into Night

Barry and the gang meet a new meta, who is an old enemy of Barry's; Cisco meets Gypsy's dad, and a stray comment leads Barry to a realization...

I sort of liked Dibny.  Sort of.  Definitely not my favorite character, but I see potential in him.  as far as the blaming Barry for how things went for him goes, he is definitively in the wrong.  Sorry, but framing someone you think may be guilty is still the wrong thing to do.  Not only because framing someone is wrong period, but because if it hadn't been caught and the guy had been convicted, there would have been a ready-made appeal.  In addition, it would have called other arrests he made into question.  After all, he framed one person, why not more?

All that said, he could still be an interesting addition to the team.  I think Barry was right when he was questioning whether or not Dibny was good for the team.  I do get why Caitlin wants to think that he can become a better person because she is struggling with the same issue.  I do also think she is overidentifying, but that is ok.  I have to say that some of the stretching was seriously disturbing, particularly the sneezing and the bullet/punch absorbing.  Nifty, but disgusting.

Gypsy's dad was awesome.   Danny Trejo is a great actor and he gave the character such menace.  Finding out that his name was Josh was just perfect because it was so absurdly ordinary.  It was totally cool that he actually admired the fact that Cisco was willing to go toe-to-toe with him to defend Barry and Dibney.  I think that is the one thing that pushed him into actually accepting Cisco.  And Gypsy's reaction so seeing the two of them gone was great.  She knew what was going on wand was totally resigned to it.

Dibney stray comment at the end about how DeVoe set him on the path to investigate the mayor definitely sparked some interest in Barry.  After all, several people have mentioned the name to him as a future enemy, so now he has some idea of who might be pulling the strings behind everything else.  The problem is that, given how far ahead of the gang DeVoe already is, how will they be able to catch up?

Until next week!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.03- Next of Kin

Diggle has a rough start as the new Arrow, Felicity and Curtis look to start their start-up, Oliver looks for help of William, and a new threat emerges from the City Council.....

I'm honestly not sure how I feel about the whole "Diggle as the Green Arrow" thing.  I mean, I get why Oliver is doing it, but Diggle really does need to find a better way to deal with his tremors than just shooting something into his arm.  That is never a good sign.  The problem is that Dinah is right, if Oliver knew how badly Diggle had been injured on Lian Yu, he would never have handed the hood over to Diggle.  Now that would have caused a whole new set of problems, but I think Oliver could have dealt with it.

Given all of that, I do think it was a good thing that Wild Dog went to Oliver, because Diggle did need that talk with Oliver.  Thanks to Diggle's problems, he was hurt, Dinah was nearly killed, and several civilians were injured by the truck.  I am not entirely sure why Diggle is freezing up now, after all, he has led people into battle before.  I guess it might be some sort of PTSD, but that doesn't seem super likely.  That is the one point in all of this that is sticking in my craw a bit.  Diggle has never had this sort of major problem making decisions before, so why now?  I did love the way Canary used her scream to redirect Diggle as he was jumping in the beginning, that was pretty cool. 

As for the whole police thing, I have to say that they have been more or less useless the entire time that the show has been on the air.  I'm sorry, but it took the Hood to make the city safe again for people to live in and only then could the police even start to do anything.  So, forgive me if I don't shed too many tears if the police are feeling like they've been shoved to the side.  If they were halfway useful, then the Hood would never have been needed in the first place.

That being said, I do get where this bill is coming from.  While the Hood and the Arrow and the Green Arrow have all tried to keep collateral damage to a minimum, there have been some serious casualties among the civilian population over the years.  I'm not sure that putting the issue to a city-wide vote is the best solution, but it could make for some interesting drama, particularly since that method is Oliver's idea.

Watching Felicity help out William was just cool.  I honestly thought that is why Oliver was going to her in the first place.  Yes, he did need advice, but she is also one of the most mathematically and scientifically inclined people he knows, so going to her for help for William in math or science should be a no brainer.  Let's face it, Oliver is not terribly scholastic.  He's not dumb by any stretch of the imagination, but he is not scholastically inclined.  Felicity is.  So going to her for help is the most obvious route.  The added bonus is that sort of gets William used to her as a friend of Oliver's which will (hopefully) make the transition to girlfriend easier in his mind.

And Felicity and Curtis still haven't even come up with a concept for their startup, so trying to pick a name strikes me as the bass-ackwards way of doing everything.  Come up with what you want to do first and then create a name to fit it.

Until Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.03- Luck Be A Lady

The gang faces an unusual meta while all sorts of things go completely wrong and the everyone figures out where the new metas are coming from....

So, turns out that the new metas were made when Barry came back from the Speed Force.  Apparently the portal that opened sent out a wave of dark matter that transformed a bus full of people into the new metas.  And given that the Thinker seems to have manipulated the gang into freeing Barry as the bus was driving by, this cannot be a good thing.

I found this week's meta to be fairly interesting.  She wasn't out to hurt anyone, she just had always experienced bad luck, so she was delighted to finally experience some good luck on her own.  Watching some of the situations that she caused were rather amusing.  I think my favorites were when Barry slipped on the marbles chasing her and when he slipped on the coins in the casino and managed to cuff himself with the anti-meta cuffs at the same time.  I also loved that she meekly surrendered to the Flash so quickly and abjectly once her luck ran out.  That was definitely amusing.

Watching Iris do everything she could to marry Barry this week was also quite amusing.  She was so worried that, with all the bad stuff happening, she ans Barry were cursed.  I do have to say that losing two wedding venues in 24 hours is quite the accomplishment.  Between that and the attempt at a shotgun wedding in the church, I was definitely chuckling.

I was so not expecting Cecile to be pregnant.  That was a surprise.  I am curious about why they are making her pregnant.  I have to wonder if the actress is actually pregnant or if this is something else all together.  Given the way she slipped on the floor, I am assuming that she is not actually pregnant, but I could be wrong.  It is nice to see her and Joe keeping the house though.  The only thing that gets me is that the house never made noises before, so having it suddenly do so in order to service a plot is annoying and the sort of thing I would have hoped would not happen on a show like this.

Is it sad that I didn't miss that Wally was gone?  Not that I dislike him, but he just hasn't been important enough to anything for me to seriously register his absence.  I do wonder if he is going to another show or if he is simply cutting back on the number of episodes he is in like Willa has done on Arrow

Maybe getting rid of Wally will leave more time for Harry to be around, which would be quite cool because I love Harry and I miss having him around.  Yes, he is acerbic and he can be annoying, but he is also quite a great character and the show is missing something without a version of Harrison Wells around.

Until next week!

Flash and Arrow reviews this week

I was unable to watch The Flash last night and won't be able to watch Arrow tomorrow night, so the reviews will be up at different times.  I will get them up when I can, so please keep an eye on this page.  Thanks!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.02- Tribute

Oliver and the team deal with the photo showing that Oliver is the Green Arrow leading to a shocking result, Dinah confronts Diggle about his problem, Oliver continues to adjust to having William in his life, and Felicity has a proposal for Curtis...

Of the possible outcomes of the photo showing Oliver as the Green Arrow, the one we got was the one I would have thought the least likely: Oliver has turned the hood over to Diggle.  Don't get me wrong, the move does make a certain amount of sense given the FBI agent and everything, but I almost expected them to try and do something else.  The big problem is going to be the fact that Diggle is no where near 100% yet.  The problem is not PTSD, but a piece of shrapnel that has lodged itself in his shoulder, causing neurological damage.  I have to wonder if Diggle will be able to use a bow and arrow the way Oliver does.  If he can't, then having someone else in the suit won't be at all helpful.

I like that Dinah wasn't taking Diggle's denials of problems at face value.  She knew something was wrong and really didn't let up.  His explanation about why he hasn't said anything yet was extremely stupid.  "Soldier's get through it." (or something like that anyway)  Uh huh...whatever.  Honestly this is one of those cases where she so should have ratted him out to everyone.  His injury has already hurt Rene and almost got her killed.  It's not a private secret that doesn't affect anyone else, so it needs to be put before the team.  I suspect that, had he known about it, Oliver would have done something else other than ask Diggle to become the Green Arrow.

Having William around is definitely changing Oliver.  He really has someone else outside the team to worry about now, someone who is depending on him in a way he is not used to.  Granted, he had his mom and Thea (before she found out), but neither of them depended on him the way William does.  It was good to see Oliver apologize for being wrong and then try and do something to help William get through everything that is going on.  I was also highly amused by Oliver's advice on dealing with bullies.  Punching the biggest one hard on the nose would definitely be an unexpected maneuver, but it could easily backfire.

So who released the photo?  Oliver thought that it was Anatoly, who has been exiled by the Bratva for being week.  But Anatoly insisted that it was not him.  It could be a measure of revenge from Chase.  It could also be that hacker group from last season.  Lord knows they and Oliver do not get along.  Or it could be someone else entirely.  Right now, there is not enough information to be sure of anything.  All we know is that it was doctored somehow.

Felicity and Curtis working together on freelance coding projects should be fun.  The two of them have always worked well together, so that will be good.  I just can't wait to see what sort of projects they get.  I worry that they might get a project from the wrong sort of people sometime, which will necessitate a rescue or mission of some sort from the team.

Until next week!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.02- Mixed Signals

There were communications problems all over the place on tonight's episode.  Barry and Iris are still sorting things out after his return, Gypsy and Cisco have some cultural differences, and the Thinker unveils a little more of his plan...

I loved the opening with Barry making breakfast and dancing.  That was quite amusing and just plain fun to watch.  but, while, I understand his desire to help ease Iris' burden, he really should have consulted her before finalizing so many plans.  I do think he was honestly trying to be helpful and to make up for the time he was gone, but he didn't really go about it the right way.  Not only did he finish a bunch of the wedding plans, but he cancelled a training without talking with her and didn't listen when she told him to divert the out of control car to a ramp meant to slow out of control trucks.  All in all, not a great way to come back.

Their therapy sessions were amusing, if only because they really couldn't be totally honest with the therapist.  Since the issues they are having stem from his time in the Speed Force, that is not something that they can openly discuss with her.  And like I said at the end of last season, there were two other speedsters who could have gone into the Speed Force instead of Barry.  Granted, both had already been there and the whole problem was of Barry's making, but it was not as if he had no other options.  This is probably one of the few cases where I actually agree with Iris.  I do also understand why Barry didn't talk with her since I am sort of doubting that she would have agreed to it, but it was sort of a quick decision that did not leave a lot of time for talking.  Hopefully they can work this out.

Cisco and Gypsy were sort of cute together.  Even before Caitlin let Cisco in on the secret that Gypsy was so not ok with his continually putting their date on hold, I could tell that she was pretty pissed.  I loved Caitlin's reactions in the background when Gypsy was telling Cisco that it was all ok.  It looked almost like she was ready to smack her hands against her head and then smack his head to get him to understand.  I also loved that her Earth's "1-1-1 Day" was the inspiration for defeating the meta of the week.

Not exactly a memorable meta, but the powers were pretty nifty.  Being able to control electronics would be a neat power.  And what on earth possessed Cisco to think that Barry would need all that stuff?  I can only imagine that he was just excited to put a whole bunch of toys into the new suit or something.  A self-destruct command?  Really?  But the big question about the meta is how exactly he got his powers.  Is it somehow related to the way metas got their powers last season?  I was tempted to think that the Thinker somehow gave them powers, but since he seems to be looking for them in order to use them, I am thinking that that is a less than likely possibility.  But, I could be wrong.

Until next week!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.01- Fallout

Oliver and the team deal with the fallout from the events on Lian Yu and end up with a *VERY* rude surprise...

Unsurprisingly, the entire team made it off of Lian Yu alive.  Thea is in a coma, but everyone else is alive and (mostly) well.  The only casualty was Samantha (again, not a surprise).  That means that Oliver is suddenly thrust into being a dad to William since Samantha is dead, so that is another role which has been thrust on his shoulders.  A major complication is that William (not without some reasons) blames Oliver for what happened to his mother and is resistant to Oliver's attempts to be a dad.  Or he was until Oliver let him know that he wasn't going anywhere and would be there to protect him.  Never a good promise to make when you are in Oliver's line of work.

The Black Siren also made it off of Lian Yu alive and seems raring to get back at the gang.  She is particularly mad at Lance because he shot her in order to protect Dinah and then left her for dead.  She was rescued by someone and is in Star City now stirring up trouble.  She stole a prototype of one of Curtis' flying scanners and also managed to out Oliver as the Green Arrow.  Or I should say apparently managed, because we never found out whether or not it was her who sent that photo to the news.  That is not good.

It is nice to see that Dinah has continued to bond with the team.  She is also working on keeping Lance out of the bottle, which is an almost full-time job in itself.  Her interactions with Diggle were particularly cool.  I do want to know what is up with him.  His right shoulder seems to be hurt and that is affecting his shooting skills.  Either that is or he has a severe case of PTSD.  Not sure which yet.

Olicity seems to be going strong, again. Given the fact that the team is, in very unsubtle ways, giving them time and space to be together, they are giving it another go.  Only, they are keeping it from William.  Again, this is not a surprise.  William is adjusting to the fact that Oliver is his dad, so to throw a new girlfriend into the mix would not be a good way to go.  I am glad that they seem to be taking everything a little slowly, presumably to make sure that nothing screws it up this time.

I love Wild Dog's new suit.  He didn't have a whole lot to do tonight, but he does have those nifty new threads, so that is cool.  He is also getting another shot at getting his daughter back, so that will be a good thing.  Hopefully nothing happens to screw it up this time.

Watching Slade and Oliver interact with each other was pretty cool.  Like I said in the review of "Lian Yu", Slade has definitely calmed down a lot.  He is sane, able to talk with Oliver without trying to hurt/kill him, and he is on a mission to find his son.  He also dispensed the advice to Oliver to be careful because sometimes being a hero means that you can't be a good parent.  The nice thing is that William knows Oliver's secret identity, so that will help him understand why Oliver might be gone (I hope).

I just wonder how the gang is going to deal with Oliver being outed as the Green Arrow.  Will they be able to make it look like the photo was doctored?  Or will they be able to pull some other sort of cover-up?  I can't imagine that the show will let Oliver's identity become very public knowledge without some sort of cover-up, but I could be wrong.  If he is permanently outed, it would be the end of him as mayor and would immensely complicate everything.

My other question is about the identity of the person who saved the Black Siren.  Inquiring minds want to know.

Until next week!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.01- The Flash Reborn

Welcome back to the new season of The Flash!  With Iris putting everything to the side in order to focus on getting through, Cisco, Wally, and Joe deal with the metas in the city while Caitlin deals with her own issues.

A 66% success rate is not too much to brag about, so I am not sure why Wally seems so pleased with it.  Granted, he is new and Caitlin wasn't around, but Cisco has been around for a while, so you'd think they might do better than that.  I do think it would have been cool to show (or at least mention!) Nate working with them for that time, so I'm not sure why they didn't.

As for Cisco's plan, I have to back him on not telling everyone.  If he had announced that he was working on a way to get Barry out, he would have raised everyone's hopes, and they did need to concentrate on protecting the city.  That said, I can't understand why everyone seemed so surprised that he was working on it.  I would have expected nothing less from him.  I also get that Iris has been more or less coordinating the team, but her anger at Cisco for ignoring her instructions to not help Barry didn't really make a whole lot of sense.  I know that Barry wanted her to move on, but I think that he just didn't want her to dwell on the past and to keep living without dropping into despair.  As far as I can tell, Cisco never let trying to rescue Barry get in the way of the work they were doing, so it was a good thing.

I hope they explain why he was writing those weird symbols and babbling the way he was once he was free of the Speed Force.  Did being in the Speed Force prison drive him temporarily insane?  Or did it somehow temporarily overload his brain so he needed time to process it all?  Or was it something else entirely?  Given the fact that the season's villain is the Thinker, I suspect that what Barry was writing will ultimately be important.

And what is going on with Caitlin?  She obviously still has her powers and Killer Frost is lurking within her, but she has found some way to suppress them both.  Is she setting herself up for some sort of split personality?  And why is she working with a group of (apparent) criminals?  Lots and lots of questions on that front.

In terms of season openers for The Flash, this was not the best, but it was interesting.  Barry is definitely faster and seems a lot more at peace with everything than he has been in the past.  Hopefully he has learned from his past mistakes and will stop messing with time.  I am curious to see how he will deal with a non-speedster foe.  I am also curious about how he managed to break out of the cell he was in.  That cell has held other speedsters, so it has to be something about him when he returned that enabled him to escape.

I do love the new graphics when the title flashed up at the beginning of the show.  That was just nifty looking.

Until next week!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Some Final Thoughts on Teen Wolf

I just finished watching the last three episodes of Teen Wolf a little bit ago, and was thinking about how to do a review.  While I was thinking, I realized that it would be better to write a reaction to the season as a whole and then the show as well.

Honestly, seasons 5 and 6 were the worst the show had.  The Dread Doctors were too remote as villains and had no personal connection to Scott, which made the stakes not terribly high.  Season 6 was missing Stiles, which seriously hurt the show.  While he is not the only character, not having him in the show made the show suffer in a serious way.  The Riders in the first half of the season were an even weaker villain than the Dread Doctors and then the villains (other than Gerard) in the last half of the season were almost a retread of the situation with the Benefactor.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciated seeing the whole gang together at the end.  Seeing Jackson and Ethan together was just flat out fun, as was Lydia's reaction when she figured out that Jackson was with Ethan.  Stiles and Derek coming back in the finale was also a blast.  Seeing the Anuk-Ite transform into various villains was pretty cool, particularly since it was mostly the Nogitsune or Void Stiles, definitely two of the best villains from the series.

I appreciated the ending mainly because I do enjoy those endings where there is an opening to acknowledge that life does go on and not everything is always tied up neatly in a nice little bow.  Whether or not they choose to move forward with a spinoff, I appreciate that they acknowledged that this was not the end for the pack.

Looking back over the whole series, I think it is more than fair to say that the show peaked in Season 3 with the Alpha Pack and the Nogitsune.  I did like Season 4, it did have the Benefactor, who was one of the weaker villains on the show, although I did love the storyline at then end where Scott was taking on Kate and Peter, which was fun.  Season 1 introduced us to this world and Season 2 introduced us to Gerard, who was the most durable villain on the show.  About the only good thing about season 5 was that it gave us Theo, who was a great villain in his own right as a Peter-lite.

I had thought that a part of the problem with season 5 was that the Dread Doctors were being spread out over 20 episodes when, in the past, villains had only lasted for 12 episode arcs.  However, when the 6th season was broken into 2 10-episode arcs, it still didn't help, although admittedly season 6 suffered from the totally unrelated problems mentioned above.

I will miss the show, but I sort of wished that it had ended a bit sooner or had a stronger last couple of seasons.  I hope that they don't jump immediately into a spin-off or something.  They need to give it time to rest and then decide whether or not to do a spin-off. 

Until The Flash and Arrow come back!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.17- Werewolves of London

Several familiar faces return, we find out who was shot and who did the shooting last week, Lydia has some more banshee moments, and romance is in the air...

Ok, that has got to be one of the best openings in the history of the show.  I loved the juxtaposition of the classical music with the fighting, Ethan's palpable annoyance at Jackson's "forgetting" their anniversary, and the kiss at the end.  Just loved it all.  The only questions I have; and it is relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things; is whether Jackson is gay or bisexual.  It was definitely fun to see Jackson back again.  Yes, he is an ass, but he is still lots of fun to watch.  Also, how the heck did he and Ethan meet?  Maybe Danny introduced them?

It was interesting to watch Scott go to Deucalion and Peter for help.  I'm afraid that Deucalion is right, there is no way out of this for Scott without Gerard dying.  He is so obsessed with killing everything supernatural that he will keep coming back as long as he can in order to kill Scott.  I know Scott doesn't want to kill, but I think it is unavoidable in this particular case.  Surrounding him will killers is not a bad idea, but I would rather have someone like Scott take Gerard out because Scott would do it for the right reasons.  Peter, Theo, or Deucalion might do it, but it could be for all the wrong reasons.

Speaking of Deucalion, it was weird seeing him as a pacifist.  After all, last time we saw him (with the Dread Doctors), he had no compunction about killing, so what happened between then and now to make him so worried about his soul?  As for Peter, while he (like Theo) is completely untrustworthy, he can help Scott out.  He is very strong, crafty, and ruthless, all things that Scott will need in the fights ahead.

Not only was Melissa shot, but so were Lydia, Mason, and Scott's dad.  Fortunately, all of them made it through, which is fortunate for Nolan and Gabe, because Liam was on the warpath.  See, Gabe shot up the house in order to make Ms. Monroe spare Nolan's life because he gave Nolan the credit for the shooting.  Speaking of Ms. Monroe, she has been completely brainwashed by Gerard.  She sees his willingness to kill his allies and others as proof that he is dedicated rather than as proof that he is a murdering psychopath.  And somehow she has the entire police force following her and Gerard.  Not a good thing.

With Lydia's weirder banshee moments, I am never sure what is going on, and that was the case tonight.  She saw herself walking through a snow filled hospital and then met Scott and Malia at the site where a pack was slaughtered by the Anuk Ite who was looking for it's other half, which is apparently in a werewolf.  So a little confused there.

So, I will be on vacation starting next Sunday morning and won't be back until the following Sunday, so I may do all three of the remaining episodes on the 24th or I may do the 24th and 25th.  Depends on my time.  Until then!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.09- Prom

It's prom and things get hairy for Ximena, Brandon learns a secret about Grace, Stef and Tess talk, Callie has a fight with Aaron, and Monte has a proposal for Lena...

Well, the protest pretty much went the way Stef warned Callie it might, and Callie did the right thing and left.  While it may have been a bit selfish of her, it was still the right thing.  Leaving the protest to avoid getting arrested allowed her to be at the prom later so that she could help Ximena get away from ICE.  You could argue that Callie should have been willing to risk more, but given all of the strikes against her, I still think she made the right decision.

Unfortunately for her, Aaron saw AJ at the protest, so he turned down the internship in order to be close to Callie because he thought AJ might steal her away from him.  And that led to a fight because Callie sees that as him not trusting her.  And I can't say I blame her.  The way Aaron was talking about her was almost like she was a prize and that was guaranteed to make her mad.  She made a choice to be with him and he needs to respect that, period.

Spiriting off with Ximena may not have been the smartest choice, but at least she told Stef about what she was doing this time.  And calling Jude to make sure that she would be able to get into the church to get sanctuary for Ximena was a smart move.  Unfortunately, she, Ximena, and AJ are now trapped inside the church until they can figure out how to get Ximena out safely.  This also puts Callie squarely in the sights of ICE, so that could be bad for her.  It might even get her arrested, which would be bad.  Hopefully she can figure a way to get out of this mess.

So Grace has leukemia, which is why her mother is so worried about her.  You could tell that it was breaking Brandon's heart to know that and not be able to say or do anything to help her out.  So he gave her the best prom he could, which was a nice gesture.

Stef and Tess' talk was illuminating.  Tess seems to have internalized a certain amount of homophobia because she has been denying her feelings for years.  I just hope that she doesn't try to make a move on Stef or anything because that would be seriously awkward.  What she needs to do is figure out how things will work with her husband and son before she does anything else.  She says that she's been unhappy in her marriage, so she needs to decide if she wants to stay or ask for a divorce before things get any messier.

The fact that Nick knows who destroyed the model tells me that it was probably either Drew or Nick's dad who did the deed.  I said in my last review that it might have been done to discredit the Adams-Fosters or the opposition in general, and this lends credence to that idea.  Can't wait to see who it was.

Mariana's plan to demonstrate to Logan's girlfriend that she is not after him backfired spectacularly.  First she tried to get Wyatt to take her to prom and be her boyfriend for the night, and that didn't work.  Then she tried Matt, but that failed too.  Watching her and Emma be "girlfriends" was totally amusing, but that failed when Jesus decided to tell Emma that he wanted her back.  In other words, a standard Mariana plan failure.

Monte has been offered the position as principal of another charter and she wants to take Lena along with her.  While not an awful idea, it is not the best timing because of the efforts to keep Anchor Beach open.  I hope that Monte sticks it out through the vote and then decides what to do.

See everyone when the show returns!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.16- Triggers

The gang tries to get ahead of Gerard only to find out that he is playing a much larger game than they thought...

So Gerard had a map with locations of nemetons from around the world and is planning on using them in order to wipe out all supernatural creatures, on the assumption that having a nemeton located nearby will mean that there are supernatural creatures in the area.  Not a bad plan, and the gang figured it out too late.  For Beacon Hills, Gerard has armed the entire town with the weapons from his "business" in order to destroy Scott and the gang.

It seems as though the attack on Scott's house has injured Melissa.  I am assuming it was Melissa whose hand we saw, but there was no way to know for sure.  Having the entire town armed and freaked out is so not a good thing for the pack.  The town knows who they are and students at school are forcibly testing other students to see who heals quickly and who does not.  Again, not a good thing.

Liam's plan was not a horrible one.  Luring the hunters into a trap in order to allow Scott, Lydia, Malia, and Chris to attack and destroy Gerard's armory was a great idea.  The first hitch (because there is always a hitch) was that no one believed Nolan when he said the entire pack was at the zoo because he only saw Liam and Theo.  I loved Theo's way of handling that situation.  Watching him and Liam fight and snark at each other was possibly the highlight of the entire show.  These two are really great together, if only because they hate each other so much, but they also need each other.  Theo was right when he told Liam that he needs to learn how to control his fear, because an out of control werewolf who kills is only going to prove Gerard's point.

A new use for Lydia's scream: knock down doors.  That was definitely interesting and it obviously tired her out.  But it worked and it saved Scott and Malia, so that is a good thing.

Speaking of Scott and Malia, they are definitely starting to get closer.  As in Malia full on kissed Scott.  I am interested to see where this goes.

Until next week!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.08- Engaged

Brandon throws an engagement party for Mike and Ana, Jesus tries to reunite his birth parents, Lena has a talk with Emma, and Callie looks at her future...

I know that Jesus has a TBI (and I know I've been talking about this for weeks now), but Stef and Lena really need to put their feet down now.  I know that he is not fully in control, but he tried to blow up Ana and Mike's engagement so Gabe and Ana would get together and he won't accept anything from Emma except for being engaged.  He really, really needs someone to give him a firm reality check right about now, because he is going completely off the rails.  He is so fixated on romance that he is destroying all the relationships he has with people.  It was nice to see Brandon stand up to him and I am so glad that Lena has decided that she has had enough.

I am annoyed at her for the first conversation she had with Emma.  I know this is not what she meant, but from what came out of her mouth, it seemed like she was telling Emma that Jesus' recovery was the most important thing and that Emma was a vital part of that recovery.  I am glad that she realized how it came across to Emma and made sure that she knew that Jesus' recovery was not on her, it was on Jesus, Stef, and Lena.  And that led to the ugly blowup where Jesus told Emma that if she didn't want to be engaged right then and there, he didn't want to be with her.  Honestly, I hope she stays gone until he gets better.  I know that it might be really unfair of me and that people are going to scream about him having a TBI, but he was being emotionally abusive, so she was right to walk out.  He is in no place to be in a relationship right now, he just needs to get better.  Or as better as he will get.

As for what happened to the model at the school, I have two obvious/likely suspects.  First, Jesus could have destroyed it in a fit of rage.  Honestly,this is so obvious that I sort of doubt it, but it is a possibility.  The other possibility is that Drew did it himself.  If he wanted to discredit the opposition to the school going private and he saw that the Adams-Fosters were the last ones in the building, it is entirely possible that he, or someone working for Nick's dad, destroyed the model in order to blame it on the Adams-Fosters.  It could always be someone else, but I do have to wonder.

I'm not sure what to tell Callie about this week.  I think she would be wonderful in art or in social work.  Aaron was right when he said that changing the world is a part of who she is.  But I don't think he gets how important her art is to her.  Her art has allowed her to reveal truths that people wouldn't otherwise know, like her senior project showing her old foster homes in photos.  But she has also shown a remarkable desire to want to help others in the foster care system.  That being said, her interest have recently been expanding to include other social justice causes, so I honestly think art might be the better choice for her.  She just needs to make a decision and go for it.

As for the protest, I get why she wanted to go, but I am not entirely sure that it was the right decision.  I really am glad that she wants to stand up for people who can't stand for themselves, but she really, really needs to be careful.  She has so many strikes against her already because of the way the foster care system (unfairly) works, that she needs to be sure she doesn't accidentally ruin things for herself.  I just hope that she is smart.

I almost had to laugh at Noah's plan because you knew it was so going to blow up in Jude's face.  Don't tell someone that you are willing to turn down something that you really want unless you absolutely mean it.  This is not going to be pretty.

I wonder what was up with what Grace's mom said about her not being in a place to have a boyfriend or going to prom.  I really want an answer to that question.  I do have to admit that the prom-posal was really cute.  Corny, but cute.  Also seriously embarrassing for him.

Until next week!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Fosters Review

I wasn't able to watch The Fosters when it was on and, for some reason, my DVR didn't tape it.  So I'll have to watch it later this week and will write the review when I do.  Sorry about this...

Thursday, August 24, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.14- Face-to-Faceless and 6.15- Pressure Test

Sorry this took a while but I wasn't able to sit down and watch until tonight.  There is no Teen Wolf on Sunday, so my next Teen Wolf  review will be on September 3rd.

We finally got a name for the creature that escaped from the Wild Hunt: Anuk Ite.  It is a two-faced creature of dissension and discord that leaves chaos and destruction in it wake as people tear themselves and each other apart out of fear.  Not that there aren't some legitimate issues going on though.

Turns out Ms. Monroe was on a bus that Mason attacked when he was the Beast of Gevaudan.  because Scott didn't rescue her; since, you know, he was busy trying to save everyone else and what not; he obviously doesn't care about people and therefore all supernatural creatures should be wiped out.  She also said that she is mad that so many people died while he tried to deal with the various creatures that attacked Beacon Hills.  While I have to acknowledge that she may have a reason to be upset, what she is totally missing is that although Scott hates when individuals die, he had to save as many people as he could and that means not always being able to check for survivors when there may be none.  It's harsh, but absolutely true.  All that said, I have to wonder how much of her hatred is her own, how much has been fanned by Gerard, and how much is a result of the Anuk Ite.

Let's face it, Scott and his pack have lost more than their fair share of battles.  But when you consider that the entire show has taken place over 3 years, he's come a remarkable distance.  His enemies have had a lot longer to plan their strategies than he has had, so there were inevitably going to be some losses.  Not that it sucks any less, but there it is.  Also, Scott mourns every death that has happened whether or not they are from his pack.  He is the Guardian of Beacon Hills and he takes that responsibility very seriously.

I was impressed that Laim managed to control himself as well as he did under that assault.  I so want to hit that teacher who just stood by and let it happen.  Between that and her impotent threat to fail the whole class for the day, she wins the award for worst teacher.  Thank goodness Coach showed up, because someone needed to step in at that point.  While I would love to think that Mason was wrong about Liam's reasons for letting it happen, I suspect that he is right.  Liam is punishing himself because of what happened last week.

I am really glad that Scott and the pack decided to stay.  Not surprised, but still glad.  I am just wondering how much longer they are going to be able to stay hidden.  Gerard and Monroe have turned the whole town against them, so they need to be really careful.  They need to figure out who the two parts of the Anuk Ite are and fast.  Otherwise the town will tear itself apart.

Until the third!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.07- Chasing Waterfalls

Callie and Aaron's relationship continues to deepen, Lena's parents come by for a visit, Jude is caught in the middle of Noah and Taylor, Brandon struggles with Cortney's new relationship, and Mariana's attempts at being closer to Logan backfires....

Even though it may not have started in the best way, Callie's relationship with Aaron is probably one of the best things she has going for her right now.  He is secure and mature enough to deal with her crises that have been problems for others and she feels safe enough with him to open up in ways that she hasn't with her other boyfriends.  And that is a very good thing.  She has had to grow up so fast that I think it's good for her to have someone who is older than her and can be a stabilizing force without being a parental figure.  Neither Brandon nor AJ were secure enough to be able to give her really good advice or to help her work through things she really needed to work through.

As for the whole thing about her self portrait, I thought her idea was brilliant.  By allowing others to capture her at random moments, she is showing the vulnerability that they were talking about.  Candid pictures have a way of exposing things in a way that a selfie or a prepared shot could never do.  A selfie or prepared shot can be staged to show what the artist wants you to see, but a candid shot shows what the camera and the camera operator see, which can be radically different.

You have to feel sorry for Jude.  Taylor has been a constant friend of his since he came to Anchor Beach, so it is understandable that she wants to spend time with him.  But Noah, as he pointed out, is Jude's boyfriend, so he should definitely have alone time with Jude.  I loved that Lena's mom came up with that "custody" arrangement for them.  It might have been a little embarrassing, but it was a brilliant idea.  I also feel sorry for Jude because that company wants to have him come on board and not Taylor.  I hope that he turns them down for the sake of his friendship with Taylor, but I am afraid that he might simply choose to go with them and tell her that nothing came of the discussion.  If that happens, there will be hell to pay when she finds out.

As for Mariana and Logan, I just don't know what to say.  Her idea to help him was not a bad idea in theory, but it was definitely not a good idea in practice.  She just needs to tread carefully.

Then there is Brandon.  Again, I just have no words.  His relationship with Grace is already on rocky ground, so he really needs to tread lightly where Cortney is concerned.

And for the kicker, we have Lena's parents.  Her father seems to have dementia or something similar because he is becoming forgetful.  I have to wonder if that has anything to do with the tax trouble that he got in.  Fortunately, he is no longer on the deed to the house, so that is no longer a concern.  I feel sorry for Lena because that has to suck.

Until next Tuesday!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Reviews This Week

I wasn't able to watch Teen Wolf tonight nor will I be able to watch The Fosters on Tuesday.  I hope to watch them Wednesday and Thursday, although it may be Thursday and Friday, so please be patient and keep an eye on the page for the reviews.  Thanks!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.06- Welcome to the Jungler

First, I apologize that this is a day late, but I wasn't able to watch the episode last night.  The same thing will probably happen next week, so please bear with me.

Jesus makes a surprising decision, Callie comes to a realization, Mariana gets some help from an unexpected corner, Jude runs into something he wasn't expecting, and Stef tries to help someone.

If anyone needs further proof that Jesus needs help, this episode should give them that proof.  The turn arounds and changes he makes were enough to give me whiplash.  First, he wants to drop out of school and then he makes a sudden decision to ask Emma to marry him so they can be together forever.  Then, after she turns him down because he is planning on dropping out, he decides to stay in school.  While it is possible that he might have done something like this had he not suffered the TBI, I sort of doubt it.  His erratic behavior and sudden swings are worse than they were before he was injured.  Until he can pull himself together, I don't think that Emma should marry him.  I am not really in favor of high school kids marrying anyway but in this case, I am doubly sure.

Callie needs to be uber-careful with this protest.  While other people may be placing a lont on the line, I am not sure that Callie can afford to.  Given her record and everything, participating in a protest where the goal is to get arrested is not smart of her.  As for her and Aaron, I think it was nice to see the two of them try and come to a place of agreement even though they were both not saying things in the best possible way.  The fact that everyone is just seeing Aaron as a guy is a good thing for him, but Callie is right that his being able to be seen strictly as a white guy does give him a certain amount of privilege.  Does that mean that he should disclose that he is trans to everyone?  Of course not!  He was right when he was talking about the fact that by blocking a right-wing speaker, it might make it easier for a progressive speaker to be blocked the same way later.  The whole thing is very messy and there are very valid arguments on both sides of the issue, so it is a line that needs to be walked carefully and thoughtfully.

I was glad that Callie told her friend that Mariana had forged the signature because it gave her friend the opportunity to talk with Lena about how important roller derby is to Mariana and how it can help her.  And, like I said last week, I thought Callie had very good points about Mariana.  Mariana loves revealing other people's secrets, but hates being called out on her own.  It is not a very attractive quality.  I do hope that she gets to stay on the roller derby team because that could be really good for her.

I'm just not sure what to make of Jude anymore.  For the last couple of seasons, he is barely in episodes and when he is, he doesn't really have much of a storyline.  It was nice to see him and Taylor do that live broadcast, but if they want us to really invest in his new relationship, Jude needs to be in a whole lot more.

As for Brandon, he is in a very weird position.  His current girlfriend is very jealous of his ex, but she keeps doing things that push Brandon and Cortney together.  It is very weird.  I know she has her whole "do one thing a day that terrifies me" thing, but this is just a bad way to go about that.  The only thing I can think of is that she is trying to sabotage her relationship with Brandon or something, because otherwise it makes no sense.

I really hope that Stef can help Kyle, but it looks like it might not happen.  If she is just going to put him in danger, then I really hope that she backs off a bit.

Until next week!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.13- After Images

Argent and Melissa share an odd discovery, Scott and the gang look for Brett, and Cory and Mason have a disturbing encounter....

Well, it appears that Gerard is doing everything he can to expose supernatural creatures and scare people so he can finally get his revenge on Scott and all other werewolves.  He is using people's fear of the unknown in order to get them scared so that they will go after the werewolves.  The problem is that it is entirely possible that the body count from that sort of war will be sky high because the wolves will defend themselves.

Gerard has already exposed Liam as a werewolf and Cory and Lydia have also been exposed as something nonhuman at the high school.  This is not a good thing because Scott and his pack have been the one thing standing between Beacon Hills and disaster on multiple occasions.  I have to wonder if the thing that escaped is somehow heightening people's fears in order to remove the guardians of Beacon Hills so it can have Beacon Hills to itself.

This would make sens given what Melissa and Argent discovered.  Something about the body they were getting a sample from was giving them the freaks.  Interestingly enough, the thing was also nothing, which makes no sense.  This also makes sense since some previews showed Ms. Blake coming back and since she is dead.  If anyone in the gang fears her enough and the whatever it is that was released preys on fears, her coming back makes sense.

Since Scott now knows that Gerard is behind what is going on, it would be a good idea for him to bring back as many allies as possible because Gerard is the one enemy who has consistently given Scott the most trouble.  Gerard is crafty, plays fast and loose with the truth, and is absolutely fanatical about taking out all werewolves.  All in all, a bad combination.

Until next week!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.05- Telling

The kids go to a party where secrets are revealed, Lena is disturbed by Tess and upset by Stef who is obsessed with her latest case, Callie is challenged, and Brandon is put into a somewhat awkward position.

While I admire the fact that Callie wants to stand up for other people, I do think the braver thing for her personally to do would be to stay out of what is going on at the college campus.  It is so easy for her to get swept up in what is going on that for her to take a step back and watch for a bit is probably the best thing.  Given the way everyone was talking, I am worried that things will get out of hand and she will get herself in over her head again.  I just hope that she is smart about her activism now and sets limits for herself.

As for what she said about Mariana, I can't totally disagree with her.  While Mariana does have a certain activist streak, her activism tends more towards things that will help Mariana and less towards the more selfless (albeit reckless) activism that is Callie's stock in trade.  As for the whole party, I get that Mariana wanted to go, but allowing Jesus to come along without keeping a closer eye on him was not smart, particularly considering the fact that Jesus doesn't really seem to have his own best, long-term interests in mind.  I get that he wants to go out and have fun, but he really, REALLY needs to be a tone more careful.  Bouncing around and jumping up and down cannot be good for his brain right now.  He really needs to figure out a way to do things that aren't potentially going to get him hurt worse than he already is.  I am glad that Mariana decided to do the right thing a fess up to everything to Lena.  I do hope that Stef and Lena will let her continue to do roller derby, because she really does enjoy it.

Speaking of Lena, she seems to be near the end of her rope.  She is frustrated by everything going on with Jesus, upset at being his main caretaker, and then there was Tess' bit about her being impressed that Stef and Lena had embraced an "alternative lifestyle".  For the record, I hate that phrase when it is applied to someone's sexuality.  Living off the gird is an "alternative lifestyle".  Being married to the person that you love, whether or not they are the same sex as you, is not.  Period.  I was definitely a little surprised that she snapped at Stef, but I think they both needed that for Stef to realize how alone Lena is feeling right now.  Fortunately, Stef took the hint and seems to be working towards rectifying the situation.

Brandon has put himself in a somewhat awkward position.  While I get why he wants to help his ex and her son, not telling his current girlfriend was not the best idea.  I don't know if he considered how she might react, but it has the potential to be pretty bad.  She was definitely not happy to hear about i and Brandon needs to carefully consider his next steps.

Until next week!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.12- Raw Talent

A few characters make a return and Scott gets an inkling as to what is going on.

Honestly, there was not a ton of stuff going on tonight.  The main thing we learned is that there are a variety of ordinary people who have twigged into the whole supernatural thing and aren't exactly happy about it.  The guidance counselor is one of those people and the doctor from Eichen House is another.  They seem to want to kill supernatural creature merely because they exist and they want them gone.

In other words, this seems like the Benefactor all over again.  When shows repeat major storylines in their final season, I always get worried because that generally indicates that they don't have another idea and don't know what to do.  And that generally leads to a not great ending because they are retreading old territory.  Add to that the fact that they are bringing Gerard back again to unite these people into some semblance of an army and we are repeating part of season 2.

I've seen this happen with other shows and I am not happy to see it happening again.  Falling Skies had this sort of problem, The Vampire Diaries had this sort of problem, as have other shows.  I really, really hope that the remaining episodes aren't just going over well trod ground again.  If so, I will stop writing reviews, even though I will continue watching.  Between this week and the lack of Stiles as a main character, this arc is *SO* not off to a good start.

Honestly, that is really all I have to say about the episode, which is not a good sign.  I am just hoping that the show goes back to being a whole lot better than it was in 6A.  I want this show to go out with a bang, not a whimper.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.04- Too Fast, Too Furious

Tonight is all about romantic relationships as Callie and Aaron have something to consider, Mike and Ana come to a decision, Jesus confronts Emma, and Brandon is caught in a bit of a bind.  Meanwhile, Mariana hides something from the family.

It's a good thing Aaron is a patient man, because he seems to need it with Callie.  On the one hand, it is hard to blame her for going to Tom because he is a friend and is trans like Aaron.  On the other hand, going to someone who has (had?) a crush on you for romantic advice is not the best idea in the world.  At least she and Aaron are being open and honest with each other as they consider their relationship.  Callie trying to be verbal and make Aaron feel more masculine was sort of funny in a cringe-inducing sort of way.  The problem is that if you are going to do something like that, it needs to be natural and she was anything but.  I can't say I blame her for being nervous because dating a trans guy has to be different, at least when it comes to the physical.  And Callie has always had a problem being emotionally open (although she is getting better at it!), so not talking to Aaron right away was so something she would do.  But, it appears that the two of them are going to be open with their questions, so that is a good thing.

And then there is Brandon.  Babysitting your ex's kid is not a horrible idea, but he so should have let Grace know about the situation before she found out on her own.  And letting Courtney stay with them without talking to Grace about it is such a horrible idea.  Grace does not seem to be the most secure person in the world and I suspect that even that most secure person would have an issue with your ex staying at your parent's house.  It's nice of him to offer, but it was still a bad idea.  I have a horrible suspicion that it will come back to bite him on the ass, big time.

Mike and Ana are engaged. While I am happy for them, it is a weird situation.  Brandon's dad is going to be married to the twins' biological mom.  That is probably going to be somewhat uncomfortable for everyone involved.  Hey, I may be wrong, but I don't think that it was the best move without some thorough groundwork.  I know it is Mike and Ana's lives and everything, but by not at least preparing everyone ahead of time, it could lead to some serious awkwardness.

The main problem, I suspect, is going to be Jesus.  I know allowance have to be made for the TBI. but at some point, excuses have to stop being made for him.  He has been on Brandon over so many things, it is really hard to blame him for fighting back a little.  Jesus did destroy Brandon's room and is scaring people and he has to realize that, while he may not be able to control himself terribly well, that doesn't mean that his actions don't have consequences.  Emma is worried that Jesus might go off on her, and I can't say I blame her.  I don't think he would purposefully hurt her, but if he has fit of rage around her, he could hurt her anyway.  As for his going back to school, it is not the worst idea.  Working construction is a horrible idea, mainly because he could very easily hurt himself again and exacerbate his TBI.  I know he doesn't want to be different, but he is, and he needs to figure out how to deal with that.

Apparently, the only secrets Mariana can keep are her own.  Joining the derby team could be good for her, but when Stef and Lena figure out what she is up to, it is not going to end well.  It was nice to see her get better, but this is something she needs to tell them about.  They may be hesitant to let her join the team, but they might be persuaded to relent in time.  She, however, is not giving them that chance, and that is a problem.

Until next week!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.11- Said the Spider to the Fly

The last ten episode premiere and things get going just as Scott, Malia, and Lydia are looking to leave....

First, I need to say how much it sucks that Dylan is a "Special Guest Star".I know that with the accident and the movies he is in, his time was limited, but I was hoping he could continue to be credited as a star of the show, particularly since he is one of the three remaining stars from the pilot.  Without him, the show isn't nearly as good because it seems to get way too dark.  Hopefully they can lighten things up a bit.  That said, I did treasure the few moments we had with him in the end.  The FBI has no idea what they're getting with him.

I hafta feel sorry for Scott, Malia, and Lydia.  They are all ready to go and then they get drawn back in by the latest craziness.  I loved that Malia and Scott were preparing their moms for their departure.  I loved it even more when Melissa showed Scott those vials of herbs and what not she has.  That was amusing as was the moment when she used the shock stick on him.  Lydia's mom, on the other hand, is probably racking up frequent flyer miles to the land of denial.  I get that her primary job is to keep the school going and safe, but given what has happened in Beacon Hills, being prepared is a good idea/

I feel sorry for Liam that Hayden left, but I can't say that I'll miss her.  Sorry, but she was never my favorite character.  It would have been nice to see her leave, but I guess that couldn't happen.  All that said, it will be good for Liam to step up .  Or it would be if Scott actually leaves.  Apparently, when they released Stiles, something else escaped from the hunt as well.  Something that revived a Hellhound that was imprisoned in Eichen House.  Whatever that something is, it cannot be a good thing.  Unfortunately, a Argent affiliated hunter, posing as the guidance counselor (what is it with people posing as guidance counselors anyway?), killed it.  This  cannot be a good thing, particularly considering the previews showing that Grandpa Argent appears to be back with a vengeance.

Speaking of Liam, he needs to get himself back under control again.  Twice tonight, he nearly lost control.  Once on the lacrosse field and once in the hospital.  Luckily Scott was there (as the assistant coach!) for the first and Liam managed to run away in the hospital.  Otherwise there could have been some very bad things going down.

Given the one kid in the guidance counselor's office, the students of BHHS are definitely starting to take notice of the events going on around them.  They may not be able to explain everything, but they know that weird stuff is going on and they are scared of whatever it is.  It would be great if the whole student body fought against whatever is coming, a la BtVS' "Graduation Day".

Derek is wanted for mass murder and Stiles knows about it.  I'm wondering if this mass murder is actually the destruction of some bad beings or if he is being framed for something.  My guess would be the second, but it is possible that it is the first.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Given the previews we will see Kate, Ethan (I think Ethan is the one still alive), Jackson, Grandpa Argent, Miss Blake, and Derek come back.  I am curious about Miss Blake since Peter ripped her throat open, but maybe it is some sort of hallucination.  Or maybe he thought he killed her but he didn't.  Can't wait to see!

Until next week!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.03- Contact

Callie and Brandon take steps forward in their respective relationships; Mariana, Jude, and Lena fight for Anchor Beach; and Jesus has some trouble....

The board of Anchor Beach is being beyond awful at this point.  The Board of Education has decided that Monte is still the principal and that she can't be fired because of the LGBT sex ed class since it wasn't a school sponsored event.  Unfortunately, the board has suspended her due to other issues and flat out told her and Lena that they would find a reason to fire her and that they would be keeping an eye on Lena.  I wish there was a way to use that sort of thing to nullify the vote, but being asses is not a legal reason to do so.  And the fact that the board went to the parents of students who didn't get the signed slips in order to rile them up to complain about Monte is ridiculous.  I just wish that something could be done, but I don't know what that could be.

And Drew is systematically shutting down all protest at the school.  He has installed cameras (ostensibly for security purposes), shut down the school paper, shut down the STEM team after Mariana delivered the underground newspaper as a flyer, and has threatened to shut down the prom if the underground paper goes out again.  When you couple this with the way the board is acting, it shows a leadership issue with the school.  Drew is acting like a dictator and is doing whatever he can do to make sure that the school goes private.  It is completely disgusting.

I like the way that Callie is allowing the family to take pictures of her to use for her self-portrait.  I think it would be really cool if she were to take a bunch of the pictures and put them together in some sort of geometric shape or slideshow in order to show the different sides that she has.  And then there was her date with Aaron.  I get why she was unhappy with not knowing anything, but she really should have told him ahead of time why she wanted to know what was going on because what she had told him made it sound like she was ok with not knowing.  At least they had that nice talk afterwards where she laid out what she needed.

And then there was Brandon and Grace.  To be honest, I can't say that I am surprised that he thought she wanted him to come over for sex.  After all, the last few times we have seen her invite him over, she wanted to have sex with him, so it was not exactly an illogical assumption.  That being said, it probably would have been better for him to check ahead of time to be sure.  I loved the scene where the two of them were apologizing via song.  That was really, really cute.

Jude really needs to start paying more attention to Noah.  Playing that game on his phone all the time is not going to be good for their relationship.  I don't know if Jude is still not quite over Connor or what, but he needs to get serious if he wants to keep Noah as his boyfriend.  The fact that he couldn't even stay off of his phone for a day is not a good sign at all.

And then there is Jesus.  I feel sorry that he overheard Stef and Lena talking, but he does definitely have problems.  Tess may be right and school may be good for him, but I am not sure if all the issues at anchor Beach are good for him right now.  He does need something to do though.

I would feel sorrier for Mariana if she didn't create problems for herself.  I appreciate that she is smart and likes to take charge, but she can be very, very pushy sometimes and is a serious control freak.  While these are not necessarily bad, when they are coupled with her total outspokenness and inability to keep anything a secret, they can cause her problems.  And forging Lena's (I think it was Lena's anyway) signature on that permission form was so not a smart move.  This is going to be trouble.

Until next week!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.02- Exterminate Her

The Fosters get a new neighbor who is not so new to someone in the house, Callie starts to take control of her life, Jesus learns a secret, and Brandon discovers something interesting.

So, the wife of the married couple who moves in next to the Fosters knows Stef somehow.  I am wondering if she is the girl Stef had a crush on that caused her father to send her to be "cured".  That would explain the awkwardness of their finally meeting each other.  Other than that, the new neighbors seem great.  Granted, the wife stuck her foot in her mouth when she talked about Anchor Beach (not that she was entirely wrong!), but she seemed genuinely sorry that she did so.  And the husband offered to fix the fence for free, which is cool.  We need backstory ASAP!

I get that Jesus is frustrated that people are treating him differently, but he had a massive injury and has a tendency to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation, so no, I can't say I blame anyone for keeping things from him.  If he really wants to have people stop hiding things from him, he needs to accept that he has changed and deal with stuff.  And yes, I know that it is easier said than done, but he can't go back to the way things were because things are very different now.  And witnessing the two tantrums he's had in the last two weeks, it's hard to blame people for wanting to avoid upsetting him.

As for the school paper, I am not entirely sure we can trust Drew when he said that a student wrote the op-ed.  Sorry, but the guy has proven himself to be underhanded, slimy, and generally completely untrustworthy.  He is doing everything in his power to make sure that the privatization goes through, which leads me to wonder if he has any skin in the game or is earning something from Nick's dad.  While I can't say I like the whole hacking into the school's email thing, it was worth it just so that Lena could throw Drew's words back in his face.  That was fun.

I can't believe that Brandon didn't pick up on the total fakeness of the whole "my ex handcuffed me to the bed in my sexy underwear" story.  I just hung my head for a sec when he left her apartment.  Granted, he had an interview, but at least arrange an assignation for later!  I did love that Callie pointed out to him what he obviously missed/

As for Callie, she had a big week.  She is auditing an art class. and for a bit it looked like Robert paid to get her into the class.  I get why she was upset about that because Robert does have a history of trying to buy his daughter and Callie out of trouble.  I know he means the best, but he really needs to get another schtick.  At least he didn't pay anyone off this time, so that is a good thing.  Callie just needs to get her inspiration going because she is really talented as an artist.  I really think that she needs to figure out a way to marry her art with her passion for helping other people.  If she can use her art to help people, than maybe she won't keep putting herself in danger.

Then there's Gabe.  On the one hand, keeping something from your kid (whether or not you are the parent) is never an easy thing to do.  On the other, he really should have respected Stef and Lena's wishes to stay out of it.  Of course, if Mariana hadn't have opened her mouth and told Gabe about Jesus' potential problem, then he wouldn't have known anything to lie about, so there is another issue we can lay at her door.  I know I rag on her a lot, but she really earns it because she is constitutionally incapable of keeping a secret.  While her being bossy in not alway a bad thing, the problem is that she has caused problems with people in the past because of her controlling tendencies.  And I really think that Jesus wants to do this on his own, if only to prove that he can.  Telling Mariana that he will work with Emma had to hurt though.  Maybe he could have asked one of his moms for help?

Until next week!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.01- Resist

Sorry this is late, but I wasn't able to watch the episode last night, so here is my review of the 5th season premiere....

While Stef desperately searches for Callie (who is in way over her head), Brandon and Emma look for an incensed Jesus while Lena tries to deal with protesters (including Jude) led by Mariana at Anchor Beach...

Callie got herself in so far over her head that I am a little surprised she emerged unscathed.  Well, physically unscathed anyway.  It's a good thing she thinks fast on her feet, because she needed every ounce of strength and cunning she had tonight.  Did she do a good thing?  Yes.  Was it the right thing?  That is a far trickier question.  Stef was right when she observed that Callie doesn't value her own life as highly as she does others.  I don't think it's that Callie doesn't care about herself, rather it is that she has an intense need to protect other people and that need seems to take precedence over her own safety.  She got out this time, but that was in large part due to Diamond sending that text.  I really hope she takes stock of her life and begins to realize that she needs to be smarter about how she helps people.

Brandon is similar to Callie in this respect, although his need seems to spring from a different place.  Callie grew up way too quickly because she had to protect Jude in the different houses she was in.  Brandon, on the other hand, had to grow up relatively quickly because of his dad's drinking and because he was often overlooked while the twins were being taken care of.  I've seen other people say Brandon shouldn't have hidden Emma's pregnancy from Jesus, but I completely disagree.  The secret was Emma's to share when she felt ready, so he was doing the right thing.  And while I understand that Jesus' TBI is a huge mitigating factor here, I think Brandon has every right to be mad at Jesus for destroying his room.  I think this issue is going to be with them for quite some time.

As for the protest, I think that storyline is going to be another major one this season.  You have the school board and Nick's dad who are looking to privatize the school so it will be more to their liking while Monte, Lena, the parents, and students are going to be fighting this tooth and nail.  Since the vote was technically invalid since Monte is technically principal, there is a chance that they can win, but I don't know how big of a chance they actually have.  As I said in the last review, what the board did in closing the meeting was technically legal, but it was also a disgusting thing to do.  I am half expecting some sort of legal battle over the school.  And poor Jude got maced after Nick's dad tried to shove Mariana aside.  Then when Drew had the temerity to claim that the protesters had escalated the whole situation....just smdh.

I did definitely enjoy watching Gabe and Ana talking about their difficulties and frustrations about the twins.  I do not envy the situation that they are in.  Having teenagers semi-dropped in your lap is a lot to deal with and I think they are doing an admirable job.  They are helping out when they can without stepping in as parents and stepping on Stef and Lena's toes.  It'll be nice for them to stick around.

Until next week!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

My Review of Arrow 5.23- Lian Yu

Oliver puts together quite the band to take on Chase and Talia and the flashbacks come full circle...

Well, as promised, the flashbacks are officially over.  The last set of flashbacks ended with Oliver putting on the costume we saw from the pilot and getting rescued.  I have to admit that I wondered if he was going to be rescued right then or if he was going to be on the island a bit longer.  We had been told last summer that the flashbacks would end this season, so I knew he would be rescued, the only question was whether he would be rescued by the crew Anitoly sent or not.  But he was and now that circle is closed.

The fight against Chase was as vicious as could have been expected.  Some of my guesses from last week were correct in general, even if the specifics were wrong.  Nyssa did fight Talia and Oliver did fight Chase, but, interestingly, Oliver chose to send Malcolm with Nyssa to find William while he and Slade went to find everyone else.  Slade has calmed down dramatically since we last saw him and actually worked very well with Oliver.  Malcolm also worked rather well, mainly because Oliver chose to keep him close to Thea, knowing that Malcolm would (and apparently did) die to protect her.  I say "apparently did" because, while we saw an explosion, we never actually saw Malcolm die, so there is always the possibility that he somehow survived.  Slim chance, I know, but without seeing some sort of proof, I will still list him as apparently dead.

The other thing I got right is that Slade did take on the minions, and he did quite well at it too.  Wild Dog and Diggle also did a good job fighting the minions in hand-to-hand combat.  I have to admit to being surprised at how easily Nyssa was able to defeat Talia.  I honestly thought that the fight would have lasted longer.  Instead, it was very brief and ended with Nyssa victorious.  The scream between the Black Siren and the Black Canary was sort of fun to see and I loved that Lance clocked the Black Siren upside the head to knock her out.

Putting the makeshift team together to save his friends and family was vintage Oliver.  As I've said many, many times before, he can be extremely pragmatic when the situation warrants it.  He knows he can trust Nyssa and he knows that he can trust Malcolm to protect Thea.  Other than having the information about his son, I'm not sure why Oliver thought he could trust Slade, but I am glad he did because Slade acquitted himself nicely in this fight.  Oliver doesn't like him, but knows that he can work with Slade if needed, and boy was it needed tonight.

What I am really curious about is how the hell Chase managed to plant and network that many bombs all over the island without ARGUS finding out about it.  Something about that is just really weird.  That said, I think I can overlook that plothole because the rest of the episode was so awesome.  Oliver told Chase that he wouldn't kill him, and he meant it.  He shot Chase in the leg with an arrow, but he didn't count on Chase being willing to kill himself in order to finish his revenge.

We know that the whole team isn't wiped out because Black Canary, Black Siren, and Wild Dog were all recently promoted to series regulars, so they (and presumably the rest of the team as well) got away from the explosions somehow.  Did they manage to get to the boat in time?  Or maybe they went into the ARGUS facility and escaped the blasts.  We'll just have to wait and see what happens when the show returns in the fall.

Until then!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

My Review of The Flash 3.23- Finish Line

The team takes on Savitar with a result that wasn't predicted, but makes sense...

As I guessed last week, HR traded places with Iris and was killed as a result.  What I got wrong was when the switch happened.  I thought that someone had switched him and Iris while Savitar was running around, but HR had actually switched places with Iris earlier.  That was quite brave of him and, as I said last week, it makes sense because he felt guilty that he had inadvertently revealed where Iris was when he thought that Savitar was Barry.  The good news is that HRs death brought Harry back to help the team out.  While I did enjoy HR, Harry is my favorite version of Wells that we have met so far.

I must admit that I did think that Savitar was actually going to go down the path that Barry had suggested.  Well, I did until he was talking to Barry and Iris alone and he was talking about how hard it would be for him to find a place in the team.  At that point, I knew that he wasn't going to give up.  What I didn't expect was for him to cause the Philosopher's Stone to blow up (or whatever it did).  I'm not sure if he was trying to kill Barry and the gang or if he was trying to do something to distract them.

The final fight which pitted the Flash (Earth-1), the Flash (Earth-2), Kid Flash, Gypsy, and Vibe against Savitar and Killer Frost was pretty cool.  I think the coolest moment was when Barry vibrated his way into Savitar's suit and then cause it to explode.  That was pretty cool and reminded me of how Neo killed Agent Smith in The Matrix.  The part I really didn't expect was for Iris to shoot Savitar.  I totally get why she did it, but it was unexpected.  When I heard the shot, I half expected Joe to be the one with the gun, so seeing Iris be the one who shot Savitar was a twist that I didn't expect.

As for the ending, we know that Barry isn't going to be trapped in the Speed Force jail for longer than an episode or two.  I am working on the assumption that he will somehow get out of the jail either at the beginning of the premiere or right at the end.  My only question is how they will get him out without destabilizing the jail again and unleashing havoc on Central City.  If a speedster has to be in the prison, then someone will have to take his place.  The only other option that I can see is for them to somehow shut the prison down after they get Barry out.

Having Barry go to the prison is a fitting end to the season.  While the havoc he wrought was unintentional, Barry did make a lot of mistakes that he needed to pay for.  If he hadn't created Flashpoint, then Savitar would never have been created, the Dominators wouldn't have come to Earth, and the Reverse Flash wouldn't have been around to mess with reality using the Spear of Destiny.  My one question is why no one thought to see if Jay Garrick could have gone back in.  I do get that Barry sees this as his penance for what he has done, but if Garrick had volunteered to go back in, that would have put someone in the prison and stabilized it.

Then there is Caitlin.  She decided not to take the therapy that would have erased her metahuman cells, so she still has her powers.  However, she isn't Killer Frost anymore.  If she can figure out a way to use her powers without going all dark side, she would be very useful to the team.  She just needs to figure out how she can do that.

Overall, I can't say that I loved this season.  It was fairly uneven and a little too dark for this show.  Next season, they really need to bring back some of the lightness and fun from the first season.  With Barry being gone, I have to wonder how the team will cope.  Wally will have to step up and protect the city and everyone else will have to go on with their lives.  I just hope that not too much time passes between now and when Barry is freed.  I also hope they don't have Iris go down a path where she obsesses over how to get Barry back.  This will put a crimp in their relationship, methinks.

Until the fall, have fun!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

TV Schedule for 2017-2018

Well, the TV schedule for next year has been released and I have my schedule worked out.  I am only adding a few shows after having dropped several this year.  I have a couple of slots with more than two shows, which is never fun, but I'll deal.  New shows will be bolded.  Shows in new timeslots will be italcized.  Shows with a (?) by them are new shows that I will try out and see if I like them.  So here is my schedule:

Edited July 31st, 2017

Premiere Dates added by each show as they are advertised


10 pm- Madam Secretary (CBS, 10/8) & Ten Days in the Valley (ABC, 10/1) (?)


8 pm- Lucifer (Fox, 10/2) & Supergirl (CW, 10/9)
9 pm- The Gifted (Fox, 10/2)
10 pm- The Good Doctor (ABC, 9/25) & Scorpion (CBS, 9/25)


8 pm- The Flash (CW, 10/10)
9 pm- Bull (CBS, 9/26), This Is Us (NBC, 9/26), and Legends of Tomorrow (CW, 10/10)
10 pm- Gospel of Kevin (ABC, 10/3) (?) & Law & Order True Crime (NBC, 9/26) (?)


8 pm- The Blacklist (NBC, 9/27) & Riverdale (CW, 10/11)
9 pm-  SEAL Team (CBS, 9/27) (?) & Dynasty (CW, 10/11) (?)
10 pm- Designated Survivor (ABC, 9/27), The Good Place (NBC, 9/20, special 1 hour premiere)


8 pm- Supernatural (CW, 10/12)
8:30 pm- The Good Place (NBC, 9/28, premiere in regular time slot))
9 pm- Scandal (ABC, 10/5) & Arrow (CW, 10/12)
10 pm- How to Get Away With Murder (ABC, 9/28)


8 pm- Once Upon a Time (ABC, 10/6), MacGyver (CBS, 9/29), & Blindspot (NBC, 10/27)
9 pm- Marvel's Inhumans (ABC, 9/29)

Returning at midseason:

The 100 (CW), The Originals (CW), iZombie (CW), Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC)

New for midseason:

Black Lightning (CW), The Crossing (ABC), Deception (ABC), Instinct (CBS)

Dropped by me:

Quantico (ABC), Timeless (NBC)

Cancelled by the network:

The Vampire Diaries (CW), Grimm (NBC), Conviction (ABC), The Real O'Neal's (ABC), Secrets & Lies (ABC), American Crime (ABC), Bones (Fox), The Blacklist: Redemption (NBC)

Dropped by me and then cancelled:

Pure Genius (CBS), Time After Time (ABC), Frequency (CW), APB (Fox), Scream Queens (Fox)

My Review of Arrow 5.22- Missing

Oliver finds himself teaming up with an unlikely group of people after Chase kidnaps his entire team and heads to Lian Yu...

The team that Oliver has put together to take on Chase and Talia is a powder keg that could very easily explode in his face.  First, there is Malcolm Merlyn.  There is absolutely no love lost between him and Oliver.  That being said, I think this is a situation where Malcolm can be trusted to be at least moderately helpful.  Whatever faults he may have, and there are quite a few of them, Malcolm has shown an unswerving dedication to keeping Thea safe.  While his ideas of what is in her best interest generally diverge from what she actually wants, he does have that going for him.  While I wouldn't trust him unreservedly, he can be trusted to at least make sure that she is kept alive.  That being said, I suspect that if he thought that teaming with Chase would be the best thing for Thea, he might choose that route.  However, I don't see that being the case.

Then you have Nyssa, who is by far the most trustworthy of the group.  The only issue with her is how she will react to Talia's presence.  There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of love there either, but I would never discount family ties.  Then again, she is still technically married to Oliver, so I think she can be trusted to stay with him.  And she is definitely a formidable warrior who has shown herself capable of taking down almost any foe.  The only people who give her trouble are Oliver and Malcolm, and I think we can safely assume that both Talia and Chase would give her difficulties as well since they are both of a similar caliber.

Then there is Deathstroke.  He is going to be the biggest wildcard.  He hates Oliver, even before Oliver locked him up on Lian Yu. so I have to wonder how Oliver is going to manage to get him to work with the group to fight Chase and Talia.  The good thing about him is that he has a completely different fighting style than anyone else.  All of the other major actors in this brewing fight have undergone training by the League or someone affiliated with the League, so having him along could be useful to Oliver.

Then, of course, there is Oliver himself.  He has received training primarily from the League or someone close to it, but he also learned from Deathstroke.  Also, he is the man who killed R'as Al Ghul which makes him uniquely dangerous.  He has reached the point where he is willing to work with anyone who he thinks will help him out, which is always a dangerous place for Oliver to go.  If either Felicity or Diggle had been around, I don't think Oliver would have done what he did.  Then again, if Chase hadn't kidnapped them, there would have been no reason to accept Malcolm's help or go to get Deathstroke.

I am very interested to see how this is all going to play out next week.  I am sure there will be some sort of mind games involved, but I suspect that we have passed most of that and are headed more in the direction of a straight out fight.  The big question is who will fight who.  I suspect that Oliver will task Malcolm and Deathstroke with taking on the minions and freeing the gang while he and Nyssa take on Talia and Chase.  That would make the most sense because that would put the person Oliver can trust the most by his side against two incredibly dangerous enemies.  The downside is that it would means that he would have to have the two people he trusts the least save his friends and his sister, but I think that would be a risk worth taking otherwise he could end up fighting three people on his own.

One worry I do have is whether or not Chase or Talia has managed to get Deathstroke to their side.  If so, this fight will go poorly because having the three of them team up will be very, very bad for Oliver.  But, we'll have to wait and see.

Until next week!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Review of The Flash 3.22- Infantino Street

The day of reckoning has arrived and the entire gang is working tirelessly to sae Iris from Savitar. But did they succeed?

Apparently, the answer is "No" since we saw Savitar stab Iris.  That being said, there are some inconsistencies between the way this final scene played out from how we have seen it before.  In previous iterations, Barry did not have the Speed Bazooka, but this time he did.  Also, in at least one previous iteration, we saw HR on the roof of the building with Joe, but he wasn't there this time.  Between that, HR's feeling of guilt over having revealed Iris' hiding place to Savitar, and the reminder of the disguising technology, I have to wonder if maybe HR managed to somehow switch places with Iris while Savitar was running around while Barry was shooting at him.  With everyone focused on Barry shooting at Savitar, it is possible that HR (or someone else for that matter) could have switched places with Iris in order to save her from being killed.  I'm not sure if I would say that it is likely, but it is definitely possible.

One reason why I am doubting that Iris is actually gone is that it would be a major change to the show, such a major change that I am not sure if the writers would go there.  Unlike Laurel's death last year on Arrow, Iris' death would be much more consequential.  We've already seen how Iris' death would impact the team, so I don't think they are going there.  I guess they could if they wanted to examine how Barry could handle things differently, but that does not seem at all likely to me.  As always, I have to say that I could be wrong, but her actually dying here strikes me as being very wrong.

That being said, I did appreciate that Barry did show the lengths he was willing to go to (or not go to) in his efforts to save Iris.  I am not entirely sure I agree with Lyla's reasoning to not give the Dominator tech to Barry, mainly because what he wanted it for was not to change the past but to alter the future, which is a different creature altogether.  I did appreciate that her decision did lead Barry to get Snart to help him.  That was just something fun to watch.  Snart is always fun to see, so seeing him help Barry just made things lots and lots of fun.  It also showed that, while Barry is definitely willing to bend the rules to help people he loves, he does have his limits.  He could have sacrificed Snart to save Iris, but he wouldn't have, which is a good thing.  I am scratching my head a little about why that made Lyla change her mind so quickly though.  I appreciate that it did, but that did seem a bit mercurial of her, however necessary it was for the plot.

The other major story, which I think will be explored more next week, was the fight between Cisco and Killer Frost that has been brewing for a while.  He hasn't lost his hands (yet) or anything, but she is convinced that she must get rid of Cisco in order to "ascend" with Savitar.  That makes me wonder if Cisco is some sort of major threat to Savitar.  After all, if he somehow convinced Killer Frost to go after Cisco, it is entirely possible that it could be because Cisco can do something to him.

Until next week!