Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of 6.24- Remember Me As a Time of Day

Holy crap. That totally rocked. I was shocked, amazed, teary eyed, and just totally loving tonight's episode. It would have made an *AWESOME* series finale if worse had come to worse.

One thing I have to say before getting to character stuff is that I actually love the fact that there were no cliffhangers. If the show had ended with this episode, it would have gone out on a great note. I believe this is the only season finale; aside from Season 4; that actually had no cliffhangers.

Let me see:

Season 1- Dan's heart attack and Naley's wedding
Season 2- The fire and Haley's return
Season 3- The crash and the writing on Dan's wall
Season 4- NONE
Season 5- Who is Lucas calling? and Is Dan going to make it?
Season 6- NONE

Unless I missed something, yup, this is the second season to end with no cliffhangers. Very happy about that.

And now, onto the character stuff.

Tonight was all about dreams being fulfilled. Nathan made the NBA; Mia has Chase and a major album (again); Mouth and Millie are back together; Brooke has her company, her mother, *AND* Julian; and Lucas has Peyton and their daughter. About the only person whose dream is unfulfilled is Dan, but we'll get back to him.

I have to start with the opening. That song totally put me in the moment. When it ended with Lucas holding his daughter, I thought Peyton was dead. I *SO* want that song. If anyone knows what it was, tell me. THANKS!

Surprisingly, I am going to start off with Victoria. She is human! I had to pick both myself and my jaw up off of the floor near the end when she was talking to Brooke. Saying everything that Brooke needed her to say. She gives Brooke the company back in order to get her daughter back, tells her to chase after Julian, and opens up about her past! Holy $h!t!!!!! I was so not expecting that. I am happy we got it, but I was so not expecting it. Brooke needed her mother to recognize what she has accomplished and to tell her that she is worthy of love. And, boy did she get it! I could actually like Victoria if she keeps going this way.

Speaking of Brooke, if I remember correctly Austin signed on for next season. If so, I am seeing the definite possibilities of Brooke and Julian being the new dramatic couple, what with the departure of Lucas and Peyton. They make a nice couple, and if Sam comes back, you basically have a ready-made family right there. That would be cool.

When I saw the description that "Nathan returns to Tree Hill to face Haley and Jamie after being released from the Chiefs," I was about ready to freak. I thought that we were going to go back to sullen and drunk Nathan. When he said that he was being called up to the Bobcats, I whooped for joy! Finally, all the hard work he has put in and everything that he and Haley have been through pays off! I really hope he doesn't screw this up somehow. And I loved how Jamie found out. Mouth could not have been prouder; and his reaction in the TV studio was awesome!; and the look on Jamie's face was classic. He realized it a second before Mouth said it and he was just stunned and happy. So cool.

I was so happy to see Whitey and Karen. Having Karen around made up for her lack last week. And when she bumped into Dan, I felt the temperature take an abrupt drop. Wow, if looks could kill.....

Of course, as Dan and Whitey both pointed out, his problems are all of his own making. Dan drove Nathan off. Dan refused to acknowledge Lucas for the longest time. Dan killed Keith. Dan alienated everyone in his life through his actions. And now that he has lost everything, he hits rock bottom something hard. He wants to die. He wants to exit this life. Wow. I really felt sorry for Dan, and that does not happen too often. When he fell into Whitey's arms, I teared up. I do hope he finds redemption somehow. Everyone who is truly sorry deserves a chance at redemption. Dan can never undo his mistakes or make up for what he did, but maybe, just maybe, he can receive forgiveness. Watching him have to beg to hold his granddaughter was pretty much heartbreaking. He was so tender and loving with her. I am glad Peyton relented.

And now for our last dream fulfilled, Leyton. Lucas, Peyton, and Sawyer Brooke Scott go riding off into the sunset. Father, mother, and daughter all healthy and happy. That was a nice last scene for Leyton. They have had so much drama and so much trouble that it was nice to see them happy and healthy and together. I wish them the best and hope that we get a d@mn good explanation for their absence from the show.

Until next season....

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