Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 8.04- We All Fall Down

Brooke liquidates everything, Nathan makes a decision about basketball, and Chase and Alex play some golf.

Well, let's start with Brooke.  While I totally admire her for liquidating her company to make up for what Victoria and Millie did, I think it was not the smartest thing.  While it is admirable and compassionate, what is going to happen to everyone she employs?  Also, by liquidating her personal assets, what is she going to have.  Granted, it is noble and all that, but at some point pragmatism is going to need to take its place.  I really hope things work out.

I am not entirely sure what Julian was doing except for maybe coming up with a new project.  I am really glad he is supporting Brooke and planning the wedding, but I wonder what is going to happen given what she's doing.  And I loved that he picked the flowers and that Haley thought that they were from Brooke.  He also gave Nathan a push; albeit inadvertently; in his decision about basketball....

And that decision was to leave.  Not entirely surprising considering what he said last week and how bitter he was in Season 5 when he was forced out of basketball against his will.  I don't think he wants to put Haley and Jamie through that ever again.  And when Julian mentioned that Jamie liked baseball and Nathan didn't know this, Nathan realized that he wants to stay home.  Really sweet, and totally understandable, but again I ask if it is pragmatic and workable.  Presumably he and Haley will figure out how to make it work (particularly if they have good savings), but this might be interesting.

I loved Haley in the crisis center.  First, Junk calls, then a total perv, and then someone calling about a fallen souffle (which is a disaster, just not the kind this hotline is for).  She was there for Quinn and Clay and then totally understood what the last caller was saying.  Other than that, she was really more of a supportive character tonight.

Chase and Alex had the fun story tonight.  Truth or Dare Golf.  Interesting idea.  Alex, honey, talking about your underwear (or lack thereof) and then bending over enough to practically show off your beautiful posterior is going to cause accidents.  <snerk>  That was funny.  And then the final hole where Alex won was predictable, but amusing.  The conversation about Chase in high school was also funny.  Alex didn't do a horrible job in guessing.  Perfect, no, but not bad.  I loved the little test she had for him when they were at her room.  It was sweet.

Next week, One Tree Hill (well, most of our characters anyway) head for Portland for a Life Unexpected crossover.  Sounds neat!

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