Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 8.18- Quiet Little Voices

It's all about the (ok, that was oh so bad.....)

First, the theme. It was nice and better than some, but not my favorite. I did love the singers voice though. Anyone know who sang it?

Tonight was all about babies and family. Brooke and Julian were waiting for Chloe to have her baby, Nathan and Haley were awaiting their baby with Jamie, Clay, and Quinn. This episode was also about the past with some nifty flashbacks to events of the past. Think I also caught a new scene or two masquerading as flashbacks. There was not exactly alot of character stuff, as this season has been wont to do, but it was a nice way to get back into the series after a 6 week hiatus.

I loved Jackson's voiceover. He doesn't do them too often (that I can think of anyways) and he did a nice job. I do want to know what this shows obsession is with numbers in voiceovers sometimes. I am just thinking back to the season 3 (at least I think it was 3) opener when Peyton was going on about the number of people in the world. I thought it was so cute the way Jamie was going to create a memory book for Lydia. It gave them a wonderful opportunity to show us some nice flashbacks especially between Naley. And the scene with Naley outside of her house was the reason why "Dare You to Move" is one of my favorite songs.

I loved, loved, loved the scene with Clay, Quinn, and Jamie trying to eat 6 crackers in a minute. That was a riot. I thought the subtitles were an especially cute touch to the scene. I do want to know why Clay even thought of that, but I am almost too scared to ask. And the running commentary about luck and UNO was also amusing. I seriously forgot how violent Haley can be. Those flashbacks of people she hit or told off were amusing. Haley=Mama Bear. :-)

I felt so sorry for Brooke and Julian. I had heard that there was baby related heartbreak and before I saw the episode assumed that Chloe was going to change her mind. I didn't realize; until Julian bumped into her boyfriend in the hall; why she was going to make the decision. I want to hate her, but its really hard to. I so wanted Brooke and Julian to get their baby, but I also like to see moms and their babies. I just can't find it in myself to hate her. I am upset that she hurt Brooke and Julian, but more than that I cannot be. C'est le vie.

And I have to say that Austin did a great job directing the episode. Well done.

Next week, Nathan confronts Kellerman, Brooke receives an offer, and Julian gets coldly pissed off.....

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