Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of Kyle XY 3.10- Bringing Down the House

Holy crap....

Wow, most of the episode was good, but the last 5-10 minutes totally rocked. I am even more pissed at ABC Family for canceling the show now. They had better do something to tie up those loose ends. I have heard rumors about a TV movie. A new season on a different channel would be even better, but that is so doubtful. Here's hoping. And now for the review.....

Tonight we saw a different side of Kyle. I disagree with Nicole to a certain extent. Kyle has always been willing to bend or break the rules or the law to achieve a good end, so long as no one gets hurt. Remember him breaking into Foss' apartment with Declan in season 1? Granted, Nicole may not have known about that, but Kyle hasn't changed that much. Or so I thought until Cassidy threatened Amanda. While I am not totally shocked at Kyle's reaction, I was definitely surprised at the fact that he was ready and willing to kill Cassidy. Defending his family and friends is an old Kyle standby, but they do no normally involve violence or damage causing. I was definitely impressed with the uppercut though. I will get to the last comment by Cassidy later.

And the love triangle rears its ugly head yet again. Amanda wants Kyle back; assuming he is willing to let her back in; and Jessi wants him just as fiercely. One is his innocent first love. Amanda is Juliet to Kyle's Romeo. Somehow, I doubt they will ever truly stay together. That first love never seems to last. Particularly when compared to the electricity (and I do mean that literally) that exists between Kyle and Jessi. When that scene in the garage came on, I had to fan myself. That was HOT! Matt is looking mighty damn fine to me. I don't blame Jessi for staring or lingering with her fingers on hist chest. I know I would have if given the chance. The two of them made that scene hotter than some sex scenes in other shows. Wow......

Anyway, away from my fantasies and back to the show. Kyle's discovery of exactly what Latnok was planning with the clones made the whole thing that much creepier. Now they have taken what Kyle called a "misguided experiment" and compounded the error. Instead of one or two advanced humans, there will now be hundreds if Latnok has its way. And that group is as evil as could be imagined. Looking to control a young man and exploit him for their own gain. Wow.

I do have to say that Amanda impressed me. First by going into Nate's room and working with Jessi to clone the computer. Then the attack on Nate. And as in insert, I loved Jessi charging to the rescue. Then the comment about Amanda being weak followed by Amanda promptly knocking Nate out with a well-placed elbow. Nice! And now Amanda and Jessi appear to be frenimies (assuming I understand the term correctly). I would be interested to see where that one would have gone.

Cassidy is Kyle's brother? WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!? Either there is some major retconning going on or Cassidy is lying. I so want to know.....

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