Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 6.14- A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene

Well, as I said last week, later than normal, but here it is....

I enjoyed this episode. CMM did a nice job as a director. This was a light and fun episode, but not just fluff. There was not alot of drama to be had, just alot of relationship stuff.

Well, everyone knows that Peyton is pregnant. She told Brooke, Sam told Julian, and apparently Haley told Nathan. Glad to see everyone being super supportive. That baby is going to grow up knowing alot of love. I am glad to see the Peyton and Lucas aren't stressing it too much, but just a bit, which is understandable.

But they have excellent role models in the form of Naley. The two of them keep getting stronger and stronger. Unless basketball takes a toll somehow, those two are totally safe.

I loved the karaoke montage (?). First Nathan and Chase and then cutting to Jamie and Andre. Had me roaring up a storm. The dancing and singing and stuff was just great. I also loved that Nathan helped Chase with the basketball game. Very amusing there.

Lucas and Peyton got an interesting awakening with Jamie and Andre about what kids like. I loved Jamie's line: "We put them down about an hour ago." Very, very cute.

Brooke and Julian are officially a couple, well, sort of. Sparks are flying and kissage has happened. Will it go further or will they ignore what is happening in favor of something more businesslike? Only time will tell.

Chase and Mia are cute together. He was so awkward and she was so worried about what to wear. Just chill and relax. Lets see where this goes.

Mouth and Millie. Not sure where they are right now. Don't think they are totally over, but they are at the very least on extremely rocky ground. Hurt and anger from Mouth, remorse from Millie. Let's hope those crazy kids get back together.

Until next week!

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