Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of Life Unexpected 2.09- Homecoming Crashed

Bits of Lux's past are revealed, Emma's son comes to Lux's school, and Cate and Ryan figure some stuff out....

Well, well, well.  Eric appears to have some competition in the form of Emma's son (whose name is eluding me right now).  And he knows about Eric and Lux.  This should prove interesting.  I definitely like him as a new character.  He seems to like Lux or at least sympathize with her given that he covered for her and the way he talked with her in the hallway.  I am going to enjoy this.  Speaking of Lux, she was abused at the house from earlier this season.  Not totally surprised, but curious.  I feel bad for Tasha.  She was defending Lux; deservedly so; but could get in real trouble.  This trio of kids will make for an interesting group.

Baze flirting with a woman.  Shocker!  Oh wait, not so much.  The potential client has something against women, so Baze goes in a charms her.  Don't know quite why Emma was so upset.  Ok, wait, I do, but it still seemed a bit silly to me.  I am also glad to see Baze admit to some major insecurities regarding his being a good dad.  His relationship with Lux drives him to improve himself and that is a good thing.  I do worry that he might take it too far.  Hopefully, he'll know where the limits are.

The other person I felt bad for is Cate.  She so did not deserve to have Lux dump all over her.  It is so easy for everyone to accuse Cate of projecting because she can be so neurotic, but a lot of the time; like tonight; it is not at all true.  I do wonder how (or even if) she'll get the truth out of Lux.  I hope she does.  While Lux can be a liar; witness her relationship with Eric and its assorted lies; she is a good girl for the most part.  I am also glad that Cate figured out why she married Ryan.  They really need to work things out.

I am also glad that Ryan has formed such a strong bond with Lux.  She needs another adult other than Baze and Cate that she can rely on and Ryan fits the bill nicely.

In two weeks, Thanksgiving and the attending drama....

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