Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of Life Unexpected 1.11- Storm Weathered

Well, background on Lux, Baze/Abby takes an interesting turn, and Cate/Ryan get really serious......

Starting next week, I should be back to the reviews on Monday, so that'll be nice. Only two new eps left in this season (I think), so doesn't mean that much. But oh well....

I was not entirely sure what to think of the episode. Baze and Cate have lingering feelings for each other. Not exactly a shocker or news. Although the two of them have never really been together, they are Lux's parents and there will always be a bond there. Fortunately, at this point, Ryan has pretty much accepted that and is basically cool with it. I appreciate that. I like Ryan and Cate together and was happy to see that the two of them have gotten engaged again. And was I *SO* not surprised by Cate's sudden desire to elope after she found out about Abby and Baze. If she hadn't reacted in that way or a similar way, I would have dropped dead from shock.

Lux got a bit of a shock tonight herself. No matter how much she cares for/loves (not sure which) Bug, she definitely has feelings for Jones. While I wanted to smack him for the surreptitious kiss, can't say I blame her for liking him. He is handsome, nice to her, and went out of his way to help her. She could do worse. At this point, I don't favor either Bug or Jones; a few weeks ago I would have said Jones because I disliked Bug, but he has grown on me. Finding out about Lux's past helps to really understand her now. And how ironic is it that in order to find her parents, she had to be willing to let them go. Interesting how things work out.

I *SO* want to smack Baze many, many, many times upside the head. Sleeping with the sister of your daughter's mother is a surefire way to show your maturity and readiness for commitment. Oh wait, it is so not.....The only thing it will do for sure is to hurt people. At least he wised up and let Abby go. Can I still smack him though?

Next week, we're going on a road trip......

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