Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill Episode 7.03 - "Hold My Hand As I'm Lowered"

I want to apologize because this will be incomplete. I missed about 10-15 minutes near the beginning of the show due to an unexpected emergency. I was able to hear part of it and think I got the gist of the rest from the remainder of the show, but if I am missing pieces, know that is why.

And away we go.....

Ok, have to start with Naley. Boy, oh boy, oh boy. Are we in for a ride or what? Clay wants to pay the woman off. Understandable since it will keep everything quiet and under the radar. Nathan seems to decide to go along with that and Haley despises the idea. My guess; and I could be wrong here but I don't think I am; is that she sees the payment as almost an admission of guilt and she wants no part in that. Now that they have decided to totally stiff her, Nathan has to explain this to Jamie. And given the preview of next week, this ain't gonna be fun.

And poor Mouth gets caught in the middle of this. He is sent to investigate what happened in the restaurant last week and finds out the truth; at least I think he did given what I heard (was gone at this point). He then proceeds to lie to his boss to protect his friend. Good move as a friend. Bad move for a career.

Alex is going to so get on my nerves. She is a whiny, egotistical, annoying, and bitchy little actress. Granted, the camera loves her, but arrrggghhh!!!!! Kick her ass already someone! Please! Hitting on Julian and Clay in the same night. Granted, that means that she has good taste, but still.....

And speaking of good taste, did enjoy the nearly naked Julian...ok, I am back now.....

Quinn's husband shows up. Ok....this will be interesting.

And the Mouth/Skillz nudity battle is over. And the ending was hilarious. Lizards and snakes. Yikes....

I did enjoy seeing how Dan and Rachel met. Seeing the reality versus the words. Neat. And Rachel is manipulative as ever. Granted, I think she thinks she is doing the right thing, but still....

Next week. The $hit hits the fan and Naley get splattered....

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