Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 8.10- Lists, Plans

Dan returns, Nathan returns to college, Mia and Alex have fun with Chase, and Julian is seriously sweet and cute....

As always this season, let me start with the theme.  I believe this week's was Aimee Mann.  I love her, so I am disposed to like this weeks.  Very nice.

Let us start with Quinn.  It was nice to see Dan back, especially seeing as he was doing his best to talk her out of killing Katie.  I missed seeing part of the beginning (heard, but didn't see), so I was a little confused about the restaurant.   At least I think it was a restaurant.  Was it his?  Anyway, seeing how far Dan has fallen, both in business and as shown by his scruffiness was interesting.  I don't think anyone else could have shown her the errors of her ways so completely.  The list he made, his descriptions of the changes, and his bluntness really worked well to show Quinn just how much she needs to not do this.  Which may or may not be a mistake considering the preview for next week.

Next, Nathan.  I am proud of him for taking the harder professor.  I am definitely annoyed that the professor has this massive misconception about Nathan and seems to be holding a grudge against athletes that he is taking out on Nathan.  It was very big of Nathan to purposefully go for the harder professor and that should be acknowledged.  But it did give us a chance to see Tutor Son in action.  That was hilarious.  "Outside animals can't fart inside," is a great mnemonic device.  I have one from 20 years ago that I can never forget.  And combining Nathan's studying with Jamie's spelling practice was neat.  Oh, and the best line of the night, "I need to avoid guys named Keller." (or something close to that anyway) <snerk>

I loved that Haley manipulated (in a friendly manner) Alex and Mia into being the celebrity bartenders.  If you want to ensure high attendance that is the way to go.  And the way the two of them were teasing Chase was just too much fun.  Also loved the guys waiting in line for 20 minutes to be served by Mia or Alex.  Then the one guy who wanted Haley to serve him.  I am afraid that the fighting will break out again if Mia finds out what Alex did in the storage room.

Erin is awesome.  I love her voice; which so reminds me of KT Tunstall; and her music.  Another great artist I find courtesy of OTH.  Kid Cudi was actually not bad, which is saying a lot given my tastes in music.

Finally, Brooke and Julian.  How sweet was it that he gave her as much of that list as possible?  She has lost so many of her dreams, so seeing him give her hope again was nice.  And the last scene with him sans shirt was definitely nice.  :-)

Next week, Katie returns and all hell breaks loose.....

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