Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 7.01- 4:30AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)

Well, not the best season opener ever, but not bad either. A lot of character stuff occurring and introduction of new characters. Welcome back and here we go....

Let's start with the newbies.

Clay, the sports agent. He is a ladies man apparently. Good looking, nice, and good with kids. And he doesn't believe in love. Me thinks we be seeing a guy who will be getting alot of one night stand loving this season. His present for Jamie was priceless. Hard to top having Jerry Rice at a birthday party to sign a jersey and play football with the kids. And I like his negotiation skills....

Quinn, the sister. From the second I saw her, I knew who she was. Maybe it is just me, but she looks alot like Bethany. Which makes sense since they are sisters and what not. A photographer who has split from her hubby. I did see that one coming from fairly early one, but knew it when she was looking at the photographs and had that sad look on her face. I think I like her.

And now for the old cast.

Naley. As expected, they are together and happy. Even though Nathan is gone alot, Haley and Jamie keep the home fires burning for him. And I fell for the ad model. For a second, I was thinking "My god Nathan, what the hell are you doing?" Then I saw the cameras and realized I was fooled. Ah well, c'est le vie. I am so not looking forward to the drama that will ensue when the sh!t hits the fan. This could be messy.....

And Haley, still recording a record and running Peyton's label. And then the b!tch shows up. Uh oh.....

Millie running Clothes over Bros? Wow, that is a change. Seeing an assertive, take charge Millie was interesting. Watching Millie walk in on Mouth and Skillz naked was funny. Watching Millie walk OUT on naked Mouth and Skillz was even funnier. Honestly, I would have stayed and stared. May have even joined in.... :-)

Brooke and Julian are now a couple. He turned down a movie to be with her in Tree Hill. She apparently has decided to stay in Tree Hill. Wonder if more adoptions are in the works.....

And what the hell is up with Dan? Is he a televangelist or something? That was unexpected. Good choice to do the voiceovers though.

Next week: Scandal rocks Naleyland.....

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