Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 6.21- A Kiss to Build a Dream On

Appropriate enough title all things considered. Tonight was all about dreams and wishes, and wants and desires.

I would be lying if I said I didn't thaw a little towards Bitchtoria tonight. She actually can be half-decent, to Sam anyways. I think Brooke is totally right. Bitchtoria is looking for a do over with Sam. She wants to be a better mother for Sam than she was for Brooke. Either that, or she is out to mess up Brooke's life. Really not sure which.

Speaking of Sam, I am so glad she kept calling Bitchtoria on her bitchiness. That made me feel so much better. She wants to hang with her, but is keeping in mind that Bitchtoria is....well...a bitch. I felt so bad for her when she saw that note from her birth mother. I am so glad that Brooke told her about it. Having dealt with this with Peyton, Brooke knows how to handle this and how to be helpful. Gently pushing Sam to meet her mother was a wonderful thing to do.

Peyton on bedrest is actually somewhat amusing. At least everyone knows where to find her. Ripping up the book to make into paper airplanes was just too funny. I also loved Lucas' memories of the car as he was reassembling it. Given everything that Lucas and Peyton have been through and the symbolic importance of that car, I am so glad he is reassembling it. And how cute was it that Lucas paid the waitress extra to chase him out of the restaurant.

I am proud of Nathan for what he did. While being focused on one dream can be problematic, he thought about what was best for his family and what he wanted and then weighed that against what he was being offered. It didn't add up, so he let the offer go, but made sure to help out a fellow teammate. That is the Nathan we know and love.

Did anyone else start laughing when Nick Lachey walked in and started talking with Haley and Mia? The looks on their faces was priceless. And the conversation at the bar with Mia, Chase, and Nick was too damn funny. Nick was obviously quite impressed that Chase lost his virginity to Brooke Davis. Then again, most guys would be. Even if it was before she was world famous. I think Haley did the right thing to sell the song. I must admit, I did expect a duet; and who knows, it may happen. I think that would be really cool. Maybe it's just me though....

And speaking of Chase and Mia, what was up with tonight? Maybe it's because I'm a guy, but why was losing his virginity to Brooke such a big deal? Didn't she know that Chase knew them from high school? Although the situation did give us the best line of the night. Haley's comment about every guy in Tree Hill losing their virginity to Brooke was bitchy and funny.

And since when have 5 year olds have dances? While deeply amusing, it was also a bit disturbing. Not entirely sure why, but it was.

And next week, Brooke decides to adopt Sam. Seems wierd after this week. Her attitude seems to take a 180. And Lucas bonds with Jamie. Cool.

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