Monday, August 8, 2011

My Review of Teen Wolf 1.11- Formality

Jackson sinks to new lows, Stiles makes a deal with the Alpha to save someone he cares about, Psycho Aunt shows how psycho she is, and Allison learns the truth....

Well, that was one heck of a part I of the finale!  I have some predictions about part II that I will mention at the end of the review.

Scott's life just got a lot more complicated.  After a very nice talk with his mom, he tells Allison that he loves her, only to be forced to reveal what he is when her dad and one of his buddies try to crush him between their trucks.  The look on her face was just about the worst thing that could have been seen.  Allison hears from Psycho Aunt about how bad and evil werewolves are only for it to be revealed to her that her boyfriend, the guy who just said that he loves her, is one.  Can we just say that this is one hell of a complication?!?!?  And although she doesn't know it, Scott has been going all out to protect her.  From getting her called out of the store when the Alpha is near to getting Jackson (!) to take her to the formal.  I did laugh at his method of persuasion.  That was hilarious.  And could Jackson have been a bigger ass towards her?  I know he's a jerk, but couldn't he have least pretended to want to be there with her?  Geez.....

And how much did I love that Allison got Lydia to go to the dance with Stiles?  Yes, he is a total goofball, but he is so sweet and so nice.  He deserves good things.  Three of my favorite moments were between Stiles and Lydia.  Number one was in the store when he was helping her shop for dresses.  Read that as, she was shopping and he was acting as her dress carrier.  Then at the formal when Jackson totally dissed her, Stiles told her she looked beautiful.  She gave him such a grateful look that it was nice to see.  The third was when Stiles was asking her to dance, then demanding, and then he told her that he knew how smart she was and that she would go to bigger and better things.  That was incredibly sweet and he so did not deserve to be left for her to find Jackson.  I do appreciate that she was honest about it after he forced the issue.  I so want those two together.  That would be nifty.  To end their night, Lydia was attacked by the Alpha and Stiles told the Alpha how to find Derek in exchange for saving Lydia.  Not the best idea, but given the circumstances, I find it hard to blame him.

Another hilarious moment was when Scott was on the run from the coach because he wasn't supposed to be at the dance and he got Danny to dance with him.  Poor guy, he just keeps getting used by people.  That had me in stitches.

And Jackson, I want to dope smack you so badly right now.  I know your life sucks right now, but giving Scott up to the hunters, so *NOT* a good thing.  It is going to take a lot to regain what little respect he gained recently.

Oh, and Psycho Aunt slept with Derek in order to get to his family.  Can I just say that I didn't think she could sink any lower, but she manages....

Ok, my predictions for next week.  Given the fact that the ads and the actors have said that someone dies next week and the ads saying that not everyone makes it out human, here is what I think will happen.  Either Psycho Aunt or daddy hunter will be killed and this will throw a major wrench into Scott and Allison's relationship.  I would see poetic justice in Psycho Aunt being turned though.  I could also see Jackson getting turned, although I think that is much lower on the list of possibilities.

Next week, part II of the first season finale of Teen Wolf.  Until then...

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