Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of Life Unexpected 1.10- Family Therapized

Well, throw everything together, shake, and see what comes out. And wow.....does it come out......

Well, now we know why Lux has been being such a major b!tch towards Cate. It is not so much stuff that has happened recently as it is the fact that Cate gave her up when she was younger. Not that I can really blame her for being bitter, but let's be honest and say that blaming Cate is not really rational or fair. But; again in all honesty; emotions are not rational or fair. Lux has lived her whole life being severely hurt and upset at the unknown mother who gave her up, and now that she has Cate, she is taking out 16 years worth of anger and hurt on Cate. Again, not fair, but understandable. Now that everything is out in the open maybe they can work it out. Given the ending we got tonight, I think they are on the road towards healing.

Cate and Ryan are also on the road back to forgiveness. Lux was right to call Ryan on his hypocrisy. I don't think he realized it until she called him on it, but when she did, he thought it out and is following his own advice. That is good. Cate and Ryan need to see each other all of the time, so at least for the sake of their jobs they need to be able to coexist in more than a faux friendly relationship. I hope that having all three of them together working this out will forge very strong ties that will be able to withstand any problems that arise.

I actually felt sorry for Bug tonight. Being promised a job by Cate; dumb move by the way dear; and then being used by Baze is guaranteed to make anyone mad. But at least Baze is making it up to him. I am sure Cate will also try, although to be honest, I would say that she has less to be sorry about towards Bug. Watching Baze and Bug forge a relationship ought to be mighty interesting.

Abby and Baze= car wreck. And given the previews for next week, the crash is coming up really quickly....

Until then...

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