Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of Kyle XY 3.09- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Well, well, well. Kyle can pile it on when he needs to, Jessi can act like no ones business, and most of the Trager family is now being enlisted in some form or another in the fight against Latnok. Oh, yeah, Amanda makes a teeny little discovery that really is barely worth mentioning.....

Ok, if you knew me in person, you'd know that that last portion is my utterly sarcastic way of saying something that I mean the exact opposite of. While Amanda does not know the whole truth, she now is in possession of enough information to guess at large portions of what is going on with Kyle. She has seen the memo from last week, the one to Adam Baylin. She has seen notes referring to someone with no belly button and referencing the number 781227. Don't remember what else was on the notes, but if she has enough imagination, she can pretty much figure out the whole thing. This ought to be interesting. Assuming of course that this plot point wasn't supposed to be in season 4.....

I want to examine the two other subplots before moving to the main plot. First, the easy one, Andi and Josh. Her last night here and he makes it Star Trek night. Totally cool. And she did try and tell him that it was her last night and he wouldn't let her speak. Uh oh. And Stephen totally covering for Josh. Very interesting. A bit shocking, but understandable and not totally out of character.

Second, Declan and Lori interrogate Mark and Jackie. So totally amusing. Good way to keep them away from the dinner and still have them be helpful. Not the most tactful pair, but their hearts are in the right places.

And now, for the dinner. Kyle and Jessi played Cassidy like maestros. Well, let's admit it, they played Nicole and Stephen too. Totally understandable, but they still did it. By forcing Cassidy to upset Jessi and allowing her to storm out of the house, Kyle set Cassidy up perfectly. Cassidy goes to meet Kyle and finds an utterly enraged and thoroughly pissed off Jessi; not someone you want to bump into, particularly when that rage is directed at you. Kyle tries to "save" Cassidy and "kills" Jessi, thereby securing for himself a place in Latnok. Beautiful. And now we have a Kyle who is morally outraged. Team him up with the aforementioned Jessi, and get the he!! out of the way. Those two will go through anything and anyone to accomplish the goal of stopping Latnok.

Next week, the Tragers v. Latnok. Gulp!

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