Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 8.14- Holding Out for a Hero

Oh my Lord....that had to be on the of the funniest, campiest, and after-school specialish of any OTH episode ever.....

The song for the credits was an interesting rendition.  I liked it though.  And since when has Stephen Coletti been in the credits?  I think this is his first week, but I am unsure.

Tonight was about heroes and moving on.  There were definitely groups of people and not individual storylines, so that was nice.

Let's start with Alex and Mia.  They still hate each other, but at least they are honest enough to tell each other the truth about their talents.  I have to admit that I was surprised that that was actually Jana singing.  Some of the lip-syncing recorded on camera was off enough that it definitely jarred me.  That being said, Jana has a gorgeous voice.  I loved listening to her sing.  I really hope this goes beyond just a one episode thing.  So how many people on OTH have been actually artists?  Bethany, Tyler, Kate, Jana, the bartender (forgetting his real name), and the Irish chick (sorry, forgot her name too).  Pete Wentz if you want to count him, but seeing as he was only really in a couple of episodes, I won't count him.  That is cool.  BTW, I don't count K-Fed either.....

Julian and Mouth had a nifty little story.  Mouth has had so few good storylines recently that it is nice to see him get one.  Julian is directing an ad and the actor quits.  Mouth gives an impassioned speech and does the ad.  Nice.  And Mouth and Millie getting back together is sweet.  So wish I could say more, but I can't....

Watching Chase and Chuck was interesting.  It was definitely nice to see Chuck have a good role model in his life.  And the gut punches were just too darn funny....

Nathan and Clay definitely had fun.  The professor was being a total @$$h@t (as is normal for him) and so Clay comes into the class in order to give the professor a surprise.  Clay was very respectful while not backing down.  And the professor is wrong.  Any good business is established on personal relationships.  How personal they are depends on how big the company is, but the relationship is needed in order for the business to survive.  I did love Nathan and Clay's reaction to seeing the ladies on the street......

And speaking of the ladies, Brooke, Haley, and Quinn had the most fun tonight.  Brooke is so bored that she decides to turn herself and Haley into superheroes.  This potentially groan-inducing storyline was totally saved by the three actresses.  They were having so much fun with it that it made their scenes totally hilarious and enjoyable and not too silly.  The outfits were hilarious and the confrontation with the bullies was appropriately over-the-top.  Haley calling each of them by name was great, Brooke was just cute, and Quinn being the crazy bitch was just too funny.  The scene was very after-school specialish, but in a great way.  Brooke became bitchy-Brooke in the best possible way.  It sounded a little weird coming from an adult, but it was still funny.  I almost want to see that again.

Next week, my review will be out Saturday since the Baltimore CW is not showing it until then.  Until that Valentine's day episode, I will see you....

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