Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Review of One Tree Hill 7.21- What's In the Ground Belongs to You

Haley continues to sink to new lows and Nathan can't help her, Quinn takes Jamie on a treasure hunt, Julian eagerly awaits the news about whether or not his film will go to a film festival, Clay deals with Katie the stalker, and Grubbs, Miranda, Mia, and Chase nurse broken hearts.

This was an intense episode in many ways. Haley is in such a dark place right now. I have to say that when I saw her on the phone, I was so hoping that she was talking with Lucas. I would think that she would want to discuss this with him. I was a little disappointed that it was her mom's old phone, but on reflection, it does make sense. She is looking for comfort, and Mom is (hopefully) where you can go to get comfort when you are distressed. Haley seems to have no idea how to deal with her loss and she isn't letting anyone help her. I am glad that she is together enough to acknowledge that she is hurting Jamie and Nathan, now she just needs to figure out how to stop it. I know it will take a while and I am glad that Nathan is sticking with her through this and that Quinn is there for Jamie as needed.

You have to love Nathan for all the effort he is putting into this. He tries to talk with her, take her to the table where he gave her the bracelet back in the first season, and then just holds her hand. And he is picking up the slack around the house. I do have to ask, in the first scene outside with Nathan and Haley when he sat down next to her, was that the dock outside of Dawson's house in Dawson's Creek?

I loved the treasure hunt that Quinn put together. Goonies is a great movie, and that idea was a really nice idea for Jamie. I am not totally surprised that he saw right through it, but he had alot of fun the whole time.

Tric houses a boatload of broken hearts. Mia and Chase broke up and Miranda told Grubbs that she didn't want him to come along. You know she didn't mean it based on what she said. I will admit to not quite getting her reasons for rejecting him, I guess we are meant to assume that she didn't want him to make an impulsive decision or something. I wish they had made that clearer. And being broken up with by text must suck.

Who would have thought that when Victoria was introduced in the fifth season, she would actually have a huge heart, not only for Brooke, but for her friends too? I was so touched by her little speech to Haley. Victoria is the Queen of Mean and she knows how to hit the right level of meanness without taking it too far. Her and Alexander together in New York ought to be interesting. Is Millie being written out as a regular? I am going to say that I would not be too unhappy. I liked her far better as a guest. As a regular, she seems to have been weighed down with serious drama, when she was a nice refreshing breath of fresh air as a guest.

I am so glad that the Katie storyline is over. Well, apparently over anyway. You have to admire Clay for the way he handled her. He first tells her in no uncertain terms to leave, and then does what is necessary to make sure that she is taken away safely. And he says he loves Quinn. Nice.

Next week, Utah!

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